Anti Skin Aging Of All Ages

In a different age, skin structure is different,so in order to nourish a smooth skin without sign of aging, whether you are 20 or 50,you should take into consideration some kinds of chemical element included in the cosmetic products
Age of 20
Sun-cream is the "protector" for your youth, you may think that you are at the age of "cracking the bufalo's horn" and nothing can do any harm to your Vitality and your skin, however, in spite of the fact that you are 20, do you know that your skin will be the first to be threatened from the influence of the outside environment.
Although a small amount of UV rays as well as synthetic vitamin D is good for health,if you exceed the allowed standard,it will become "who" is harmful. According to the medical dermatology specialists, the effect of sunlight is the main reason speeding up the process of aging (up nearly 80%). When you stand outside the sunlight too long,as a result, the collagen and elastin in the skin is broken,that is the cause of the wrinkle forming and the occurrence of sunburn phenomena.
Therefore, at age of 20, the sun-cream is a necessary cosmetic in your bag.
- Coffee is good for your skin
This does not mean you have to drink a large amount of coffee per day to have refreshment or for the purpose of resisting the feeling sleepy, all of which is very harmful to the process of your anti-aging. The problem is that if you use a small amount of coffee per day, it's good for the development of a healthy beautiful skin. Today,many kinds of cosmetic contain this substance as the main ingredient, helping you to against the signs of aging such as sagging, wrinkle or swollen
Age of 30
Search antioxidant products:
Women at the age 30 should find the products which have antioxidants because it increases the ability to protect skin best.
At age 30, skin begins to show some signs of aging as lack of smooth of skin,wrinkles or spots... apart from the inside causes, some environmental impacts such as tobacco smoke, alcohol, smoke of dust, lead, isecticide... also makes your skin condition worsening.
Antioxidant is extracted from green tea, red wine... and being integrated to make beauty products,have ability to against the effects above. In addition, some classical antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C also works very well to combat the problems of the skin above.
- Peeling skin
women at this age should pay attention more to the peeling skin more regularly. That plays an important role in removing dead skin cells, stimulating the growth of new cell and fight the phenomenon of dry skin - a common phenomenon in this age.
Age of 40
Amino acid is good for keeping your young appearance
Amino acid is a short sequence of amino acids having ability to deceive and stimulate the development of collagen more. But actually not all amino acids are equally active, so choosing the products with high quality is better to be able to effect more efficiently on the surface of skin
- Retinol helps fighting wrinkles
At this time, your skin needs to be "refreshed" with the help of retinol.The effect of it is stimulating the production of new skin cells, combating spots and wrinkles on your face. At the first time, you can use a suitable small amount,then increase gradually to protected skin in the best way.
- Vitamin B3, Niacin is a solution for a beautiful and youthful skin
Vitamin B3 improves the ability to fight the factor of aging, stimulates the production of the collagen. So in many acne, skin care, sunbat...products.they all contain the ingredients of it
If during the process of using, there's skin irritation, please stop using the product and consult your doctor.
Age of 50 and over 50
- Silicone help to have a soft and smooth skin
At this age, skin is often drier than before, so the using of products containing moisturized ingredients will get the silky skin. You can also use some used products at the age of 30 or 40, moreover, you can use more types of products containing silicone ingredient
- Using anti-wrinkle cream
One simple thing you should remember is that the more you provide moisture for the skin,the less the wrinkles. And anti-wrinkle cream will help you do that perfectly.