Make It Happen

Weddings are what we all dream about at sometime or another, but when our lives start together it's more than that.  Come together with your mate and discuss the small things in life; like spending time with each other, flirting, communicating and so on...  Open your minds and be honest with one another, regardless.  Consult Jesus even when everything is dandy in your life.  I often here most women complain about their weddings, saying things like, "I'm glad that this is all over!"  Wow, after spending hundreds of dollars on material things and whatever else!  So, hear me loud and clear, people spend too much time on what is not so important and the best things in life are free.  Call on Jesus and he will defeat all issues in and around your lives.  Take my word for it and spend time prioritizing, cause now or soon it will be two people sharing one body.  Counseling is not necessary only for bad times and experiences, but to stay on the happy track keep your tank full.  When your car is low on fuel, "Do you wait until it is all gone before you refill?"  No, it's too hot to walk around with a gas can, right.  Take time and think about what you both want, read your bible for guidance.  One thing that I learned in this life is; Put God First and He will give you Grace and Love for all the days and troubles of all his sons and daughters.  Get married with responsibility, because a marriage will be your other job with overwhelming demand.  Pray, Plan, Communicate and all will be fine.  Don't get into how nice or pretty your wedding can be, but get into how nice and happy you wanna be, forever together.  Go on and marry, but remember it takes two people to steer one body.  Enjoy your lives happily.