Knowing How Wedding Invitations Are Priced

Wedding etiquette dictates that your invitation show the type of wedding that you're having. The more formal your wedding, the fancier or formal (and more costly) your wedding should be. Other than that rule of thumb, nonetheless, you are free regarding what to select. Your selection of invitations is going to come down to two factors - your budget and your style. The design is up to you, but there are some things to take into account with reference to your budget. The most expensive element of your invitation expense comes down to the selection of paper that is chosen. Wedding invitations come in many colors nowadays - you aren't limited to the usual white or cream colors anymore. So, the process in selecting invitations has become more complicated through the years. Understanding how the paper selection impacts your overall expense is important in having this budget item come in at or below cost. 1. Weight This is the #1 factor in wedding invitation expense. It's measured in pounds, just like all other papers. The higher the poundage - the thicker the paper is - the more costly it is. As a point of reference, the paper you utilize in your printer for everyday use is estimated at 20 pound paper. Wedding invitations must be on paper that's at least 80 lb or heavier. Any less and the invitation will appear cheap and unimpressive. Not the impression you want to make with your guests. Heavier paper has a classier look and texture that lets your guests know they are being asked to a truly special event. 2. Composition The materials used to actually make the paper come into play with the price as well. Pulp paper is the cheapest by a long shot. Linen paper, with its cotton ingredients is more expensive. And any paper that contains any type of recycled content is going to be more expensive. 3. Finish This is the surface texture of paper. Fancy finishes such as a shimmery effect will cost you more than a flat finish. 4. Artistic edging Invitations that have a beveled edge or rough cut edge will cost you more than the ones with a straight edge. 5. Texturing Textured papers don't contain the smooth texture of paper that you'd find in your home printer. Some textured papers are actually manufactured from woven figures, so they will be more expensive. Some manufacturers integrate seeds or some ingredients into the paper to get a different texture. Obviously, a faux parchment paper will be cheaper than the real McCoy. 6. Method of manufacturing How a paper is actually manufactured will affect the cost as well. Rice paper, uzen (a silk screened Japanese paper) and some hand made papers are substantially more expensive. 7. Shipping costs While you may not be keen on doing so, you have the choice of purchasing unique, imported paper from anywhere in the world. Naturally, the cost of these invitations will set you back more than the traditional invitation and they will be more expensive because of international shipping charges.