Fun ways to give away your wedding centrepieces

Ever gone to a wedding and the topic of conversation at every dinner table is ‘Who gets the keep the centrepieces?'

First of all check to see if there to giveaway? Not all brides make or buy there centrepieces. Since there only going to be used for such a small amount of time many brides these days hire them or are included in there reception package from the venue. So, once you have established that the centrepieces are to give away, the next question is ‘Who gets to keep them?' 8 or 10 guests at a table and one centrepiece....Why not make it fun and have each table participate in a game. There are many options out there. Some examples of games are:-

1. Give each guest a lucky door number and which ever guest has the same number as the number under the centrepiece gets that centrepiece.

2. Maybe hand the centrepieces to the person who can produce certain items the quickest, ie bank card, mobile phone i.e.

3. Give the centrepiece to the person who took the longest to get there drivers licence.

4. Who has known the bride the longest excluding family/wedding party.

5. How bout an auction and proceeds can go towards your wishing well or your favourite charity.

So as you can see there are many fun ideas on how to give away your centrepieces to your wedding guests. Maybe you would also like to apply these ideas to your flower arrangements (not bouquets). If you would like more information about planning your wedding please visit my blog at