The Top Five Natural Wrinkle Remedies

Humanity aspires towards beauty. And anything considered a blemish is immediately fought. Wrinkles fall into this category. And so, natural wrinkle remedies have existed for ages. This articles talks about a few such.

People have always wanted to get rid of wrinkles. This means that a number of natural remedies have been handed down through time and from various cultures. Things available in your grocery store, and perhaps even in your kitchen, can be used to battle sagging skin and wrinkles.

Eggs and olive oil: These can be used to make a facial mask--mix an egg with a little olive oil. Spread the mixture on your face and relax while it dries. Remove the mask by dipping a cotton ball into a mixture of baking soda and lukewarm water, and using it to gently wipe off the mask. Homemade remedies can be very simple, as you can see.

Peaches: Those looking for natural remedies to wrinkles can try using peaches. Peel a peach carefully. Then rub the moist inner part of the peel on your skin--gently, so that it remains intact. This liquid not only cleans the pores of your skin, but also has a tightening effect, thus counteracting wrinkles somewhat. Try this every evening, at least when peaches are in season. You can also use cucumber peel and lime juice in a similar fashion.

Water and food: One of the best natural remedies for wrinkles is to drink lots of water and eat healthy food. Having lots of water inside you is the best way to make your skin less dry and good nutrition is the key to healthy skin. One of the simplest natural wrinkle remedies is to drink more water and eat a healthy varied diet. Foods that contain healthy fats are also those that serve as natural wrinkle cures. Sardines, mackerel, avocadoes, olives, olive oil, nuts, and some seeds (flaxseed) are good for this. A diet that's good for the skin must be rich in minerals and vitamins.

Sleep: This is the most effective, and most neglected, cure for wrinkles. A lot of people are sleep-deprived, and this causes bags and dark circles around the eyes, which will disappear after you catch up on your sleep.

Buying ‘natural' wrinkle care products: You may not have the time to prepare natural wrinkle care products yourself and may opt to buy them. The effectiveness of anything depends on its ingredients. This holds for natural anti-wrinkle remedies as well. An easy way to know which remedies are better than others is to simply read the ingredient list. When out shopping for natural anti-wrinkle cures, remember that the ingredients are far more important than the brand or the price tag. Everything else is secondary.

Now you know the homemade remedies. You even know what to look out for when purchasing anti-wrinkle products. So do your skin a favor and follow the advice given in this article to regain the wrinkle-free skin that you thought was lost forever.