Wedding Day Beauty Tips

Waterproof your Lashes
It is always a good idea to wear waterproof mascara – it lasts longer and holds up against tears. Try using a coat of regular mascara followed by a light coat of waterproof if you really dislike waterproof mascara.

Light Liner
Black or dark brown eyeliner can look too heavy and dark (especially outdoors or in natural light), so try navy, charcoal or light brown, depending on your complexion and eye color.

Eliminate Blemishes
Graced with a zit the day before your wedding? As tempting as it is, don’t touch it! It will not heal as cleanly or fast if you poke, pry, or pop it. If you’re up against a particularly hideous one, see your dermatologist right away to get a cortisone injection to shrink it instantly.

Brighten Up
A little color on your cheeks will make you glow. Try a pink tone for fair skin and deeper rosy tones for darker skin.

Blend Well
As relayed by my Salt Lake photographer , cameras can pick up even the smallest of makeup lines, so make sure you blend well! Blend around the corners of your eyes and along your jaw line so you don’t have visible makeup lines.

Seek the Light
Natural light is best for applying makeup – if there is none available, use super bright lights, such as halogen lamps.

Even Out
Use bronzer on your chest and neck to even out your skin tone and match your makeup. Avoid areas near your dress – you don’t want to get stain marks!

Use Protection
Moisturizer, that is. Make sure it has SPF 30 or higher, especially if you will be outdoors at all. Your skin typically gets more sun exposure than you think and you will look pinker in pictures if you don’t use proper protection.

Shape your Brows
Prior to the wedding, go to a professional (reputable) salon and have your brows shaped. On the day of your wedding, use a pencil or shadow that matches the color of your hair to shape your brow.

Bright Lips
Nude or brown lip hues can make you look washed out in pictures (especially while wearing white). Choose a lipstick shade that is bright and that will compliment you. You can use a neutral color as your base and top it with a pink or rose hue.