Speeches for Wedding

Whether you are the groom, the best man or even the maid of honour, writing a memorable speeches for a wedding is an unenviable task that most would usually try to avoid if ever possible. This does not need to be the case though, if you take the time to write down what you would like to say, the entire process could soon become a breeze and your stress levels will not rise.

Take Your Time

Writing a good speech for any occasion centers around spending time thinking about what is required, and how you wish to achieve this. Of course, with a wedding speech, you need to talk about the couple, make thanks and leave the audience wanting to hear more. So how do you achieve this? The vast majority of people in the same position simply cannot write a full speech in one sitting. A tip that I was once told was to carry around a small notepad and pen with you whilst you are out for the day. The reason for this is that very often, you will find yourself thinking about the speech and a great line pops into your head. Where you would usually forget this winning line before you even leave to go home, you can now write this down and include it in your final speech.

Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

In case you did not catch that, preparation is key to writing a successful wedding speech. Once you have your little notepad full to the brim of great lines or appropriate anecdotes, it is time to put them all together. It simple would not work to just string them all together in a row, nor would it be to have every single one of them included. It would not make sense and would sound like exactly what it was, rammed together in a mish-mash.

Order in the Court

Take some time to mark your favourite lines and see how you can pull them together into small paragraphs to begin with. The thanks to family, friends and other guests involved in the day should always come at the very beginning of your speech, so move such messages to the top of the list on your notepad.

Next, it is time to talk about how you know the couple or if you are the groom, how you came to meet your new wife, who sits beside you. You can talk as frankly or as from the heart as you wish, as long as you tell the story in an interesting way. If you look up part way through your speech and you can see that all eyes are on you, then you are doing a good job. Jokes always have their place in a wedding speech but always ensure that they are appropriate and never vulgar. The last thing you would want to do is to offend anyone.

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