What you Should Ask About your Wedding Invitation Sample

The wedding invitation is one of the most important items in a wedding. It is, after all, the first thing your guests will see. It will give them an impression about your event and an idea about the clothes they should wear or the gifts they should bring. It is important therefore to first come up with a wedding invitation sample before ordering a particular design.

Having a wedding invitation sample will help you pick the right formal or informal design and the right words that will speak about your unique event. Here are things that you should ask about your wedding invitation sample before you order the real thing.


Your first question should be directed to friends and family who have already recently gotten married. Ask them who did their invitations and ask to see their wedding invitation sample. You should also inquire about the price per piece and the quality of service given by their invitation maker. Did the invitations arrive early? Were they happy and contented with the results?


Ask internet search engines to display results for a wedding invitation sample. Many wedding websites display samples, prices and descriptions of materials. Most of these sites however will ask you to pay a fee if you want to have an actual physical wedding invitation sample. The solution is to jot down the online descriptions of materials and look for actual samples at a stationary store. This will give you a good idea of what an invitation will look like without having to spend for a wedding invitation sample.

You should also study wedding invitation sample style types so that you can choose the right one. Invitation styles may include embossed, personalized and thermo graphed.


A very important question to ask while you are still studying a wedding invitation sample is if the invitation company will allow you to customize. We all want to have wedding invitations that will speak about our own unique wedding event and not just an invitation that is the same as everyone else’s. Ask them how far you will be allowed to customize. Will you be allowed to choose your own materials and the words that should go into the invitation? Will they consider special invitation requests such as special cut shapes or calligraphy on some invitation text?


You may be allowed by some invitation companies to come up with your own design and invitation words. If this is the case, be sure to carefully read and listen to their advice about wedding invitation sample wording. Your chosen invitation company may have been around for quite some time already and they will know how to properly phrase your invitation. There are different word placements that should be followed depending on who is sponsoring the wedding. Different wordings should also be followed if one set of parents are divorced.


You may be on the thrifty side so ask around about what it takes to make your own invitation. Do a lot of research on wedding invitation sample materials and wordings to come up with your own personal self-made invitation.