How to Make a Memorable Wedding Toast

More than likely you've been to your share of weddings over time, and you have probably heard some great wedding toasts, and then again, you've probably heard some horrible ones as well. If you plan on making a wedding toast, no doubt you'll want to be a part of the former group; however, if you've never made a toast before, you may not be sure of where to begin. Well, relax. It's really no big deal, and with a few simple tips, you'll be ready to give a toast that will be heart warming and memorable at your friends' wedding.

Do Some Preparation in Advance- If you know that you are going to have to give a toast at a wedding, you will want to do some preparation in advance. The last thing you want to do is decide to wing the whole thing, then stand up and not be able to think of a thing to say. So, before the wedding, take some time to do a bit of preparation. You'll want to take some time to write down some of your thoughts before hand so you can get them organized and decide what you really want to say. Some people write down the entire toast to make sure they have it there in case they forget, while others just write down a few thoughts to guide them. The way that works for you is the one you should choose, as long as you do spend some time preparing for the toast.

Make Sure to Get Some Practice- Of course just as important as preparation is getting some practice before hand. You don't want to make the wedding the first time that you have tried to give this little speech. So, take some time to do some practicing. Practice in your mirror or consider having someone listen to you give it as well. You'll have an idea of where you need to make some changes and you'll get an idea of how long it is as well.

Keep the Toast Short and Sweet- The wedding toast that you make should be short and sweet. No one wants to hear you drone on for 20 minutes just making a toast. It's sure to get boring after the first five minutes. So, make sure that you keep it short. Time yourself when you are practicing so that you are sure your toast is not taking too long. It's better for everyone to wish you'd gone on a bit longer rather than to have them all wishing you'd shut up.

Avoid Corny or Off Color Humor- While a bit of humor is okay in a wedding toast, it is important that you avoid any humor that is corny or off color. A wedding is not the place for anything that is off color, and you don't want to embarrass yourself by being corny. So, keep it light, and a bit of humor is okay, as long as you avoid these pitfalls.

Keep it From the Heart- Your wedding toast should also be right from your heart as well. You don't want to just try to say all the right things in your toast, but you need to come up with a toast that you really mean and that is right from your heart. When you speak from your heart people will feel it in your words and it will make a wonderful toast that is memorable to all that are at the wedding.

If you keep each of these simple tips in mind, you are sure to come up with and deliver a toast that is wonderfully memorable. As long as you prepare, practice, keep it short, avoid the wrong kind of humor, and make it from your heart, you'll do great. So, stop worrying about the toast and use these tips to make it through.