Ice Cream Wedding Cake

Though not wildly popular, some people like to have an ice cream wedding cake in the place of the standard cake that most have at their wedding receptions. There are a few good reasons why these are not commonly used, but that does not mean that you can not have one if that is what you really want. The conditions of your wedding have to be just right, though many reception venues that serve food can also serve ice cream cake without too much trouble. You just have to make a few adjustments.

The biggest problem that most have with an ice cream wedding cake is that they are almost impossible to display. At many receptions, the cake is set out before the guests arrive so that everyone can see it. It remains there until it is cut, which can mean it sits out for two or even three hours. As you can imagine, this is not a good idea with ice cream cake. The cake will have fallen apart and slide all over the place by then. They will not stay put at room temperature. Unless your reception is outside in the middle of winter, leaving it sit out is out of the question.

You can either present your ice cream wedding cake right before you choose to cut and serve it, or you can think of other options. Perhaps you can have a small regular cake made and put out, which you can then leave at room temperature and can also cut if you wish. You can then have the staff, or whomever is helping you, serve  the ice cream cake instead of the cake you have out. You could also give your guests a choice between the two of them. Just make sure the cake is chilled until you have to cut and serve it. Otherwise, you will have a disaster.

If you decide you would like the ice cream wedding cake for your big day, shop around for someone who can make what you want. Most ice cream cakes are small, so it might be hard to find someone who can make one to the scale that you need. These are heavier than regular cakes, so you may not be able to get a highly stacked cake. Instead, see what other alternatives they have for wedding cakes made from ice cream. You can also have a small one to display with sheet cake waiting to be served, as is done with regular cake as well.

An ice cream wedding cake can be just as beautiful as the regular cakes that may choose for their wedding days. These are a lot of fun, especially if you have a lot of children coming to your wedding, or if you are getting married when you know it is going to be hot outside. Some may not have an idea that they are looking at an ice cream cake until they are served. You may also find that you have more choices for flavors when you go with ice cream and cake in one beautiful looking package.