How to Maintain Youthful Looking Eyes

Aside from being the window of your soul, the eye (or at least the patch of skin surrounding it) is also a good indicator of skin aging. Since the area around the eyes is the most sensitive part of your face, even the slightest tugging or rubbing could damage it permanently and cause the formation of wrinkles.

If you are interested in maintaining your youthful glow and beautiful skin, you should also take utmost care of your eyes. No matter how soft and supple the skin on your face is, you will still look old, stressed out or haggard if you do not take care of your eyes and the areas surrounding it.

The lack of oil glands on the skin surrounding your eyes is the main reason why this area is quite susceptible to aging. Because of this, your eyelids and the skin under the eyes are prone to damage caused by environmental toxins, harmful UV rays and pollution. Dehydration is another reason why crow's feet and eye wrinkles develop.

If you want to look young forever, it is important that you do not forget to allocate some of your time to care for your eyes. It is also crucial that you know how to properly nurture and tend to this delicate area. Here are some tips that you need to remember on how to correctly care for your eyes:

Handle Your Eyes With Care

You need to treat the area surrounding your eyes gently. Constant rubbing, tugging (a lot of women do this when they apply eyeliner), stretching and mishandling can be the reason for the formation of the fine lines you are worrying about. Remember that as you age, your skin loses elasticity and manufactures less collagen. When this happens, your eyes will surely sag and droop, especially if you are fund of pulling your skin and rubbing it.

Shield Your Eyes From The Sun

As mentioned earlier, UV rays from the sun can be harmful to your skin because it contributes to loss of elasticity and damages collagen fibers. So what do you need to do to protect your eyes from the sun? Always wear sunglasses with UV protection every time you go out during the day. Refrain from going outdoors from 10AM to 3PM, when the sun is at its brightest. Lastly, look for a sunscreen that is formulated for the sensitive skin around your eyes.

Quit Smoking

Just like sun damage, smoking is bad not only in the area all over your eyes, but also for your entire skin, not to mention your health. Smokers usually have wrinkles, even when they are young, because this habit causes the blood vessels underneath the skin to constrict or narrow. Since smokers squint more, probably because of the fumes they emit, they also have the tendency to have crow's feet on their eyes and wrinkles around their lips.

Clean Before You Sleep

Unless you are stuck inside your room and virtually impervious to pollution and dirt, then you need to clean your face and eyes before you go to sleep. This is especially true if you love eye makeup. By the way, don't just use any type of soap. What you need is a makeup remover that is specially designed for your eyes. Gentle cleansers are also recommended. Those facial scrubs with beads may not be good for your eyes.

Always Moisturize

Even before you reach the age of 30, an eye cream should already be a part of your anti-aging arsenal. The skin surrounding your eyes need all the help it can get in order to keep the area hydrated, smooth, and wrinkle free. Moreover, you also need to find an eye cream, such as Eyevive, that is also effective in banishing discoloration or eye bags because these problems can really make you look older than you really are.

If you want to know more about Eyevive, simply visit