Destination Weddings, Or Marrying Overseas and the Legal Issues

There is a certain romance involved in being married in a tropical setting, or scenic European vineyard. A beautiful setting in a far away place, that provides a back drop for photos and memories that will be with you a lifetime. While you are swept away with this fantasy wedding, don't forget to factor in the legal aspects that can arise with being married in another country. It is important to ask any and all questions and do your homework in advance so you do not get caught unexpectedly with elements that can be costly and time consuming.

With a tropical destination wedding you have the advantage of not being the first or only one to get married here. These take place daily, and the planners and coordinators at the resorts as well as the people specifically employed to take care of the wedding details are well versed at how it all works. Make sure you are very specific with your questions and understanding what is included in the package the resort provides. You will need to ask them what exactly is required at your end. What are your accepted forms of identification and perhaps original divorce documents from a previous marriage in some cases. With some countries you are required to spend a certain amount of time in the area prior to being married, and others may want documentation translated into their national language. Churches in other countries will likely require permission from their authorities ahead of time. Ask of the person performing is fluent in English or would you need an interpreter so you can follow, as well as your guests. After the wedding when you return home, you may need your wedding certification translated into English.

With some elements of the unknown involved in traveling outside the country for your wedding it would be wise to look into Wedding Insurance and take advantage of travel insurance as well. In the United States you have the opportunity to contact your destination wedding country's embassy to ask them questions before you make your decisions. You don't need to change any of your plans or put your dreams of an exotic wedding on hold, you just need to ask more questions and get more information prior to the event. Some couples have a ceremony for show and pictures in their dream venue and either before or after have a civil ceremony at home to make sure everything is legal.