Humorous Wedding Toasts - The Guide to a Humorous Wedding Speech

Are you worried that you won't be able to write out humorous wedding toasts for your daughter's wedding? Just follow the tips and tricks that I will list below, and you will be able to write your wedding toasts fast and easy. Do not be nervous anymore, allow me help you with your problem. Read on and you will see.

When I learned that I was going to make speeches and toasts for my daughter's wedding, I was also anxious and a little terrified. I was so anxious that I was not able to sleep months before the actual wedding. I was distressed because I have no practice in writing anything since I graduated school years and years ago.

Good thing I looked online for some tips and guides online. I was able to find some useful guides that I used to write my toasts. You too can write humorous toasts by doing the following.

Do not use hundred dollar words. Unless fancy words works into your comedy, avoid using dictionary words as much as you can. Since your audience will be of varied educational background and attainment, you want your speech to be understood by your general listeners.

Using thesaurus words will alienate some of your audience, and they won't even laugh at a joke they don't understand. For example, you can't tell a medical joke if you are among lawyers. It is just not the audience for it.

Write short sentencesand populate your paragraphs with up to 4 to 5 sentences. The shorter the joke, the bigger the laughs. You can't have a 5 minute setup and then land a lame punch line. If you do that, all you will hear are groans or polite giggles.

Write your single thesis statement or themeand stick with it all throughout your speech. If you have a theme, your speech will be cohesive, coherent, and succinct. Brevity is the key to humorous wedding toasts.

Use colorful language when telling your anecdotes. Use the old creative writing mantra of show, don't tell. You canuse metaphors and strong imageryto engage your listeners at the onset. Painting a picture with words are the best way to stir your audience's imagination.

Lastly, when you finished writing your speech, you have to rely on another person torehearse your speech. You really have to deliver your toasts with the presence of another person so your speech or toasts can be critiqued in real time by a non-partisan ear.

I followed all of these advice and I wrote good speeches and humorous wedding toasts for the event. If you need more information, or just more tips and guides to speech writing, then head on over to