Funny Wedding Toast - Writing Guide For a Funny Wedding Speech

A funny wedding toast can be a bit difficult to write. Comedy is not always the easiest thing to do. You need timing and not just a killer punch line. I'm not here to help you create those killer punch lines or to improve your timing, but I am here to guide you in writing your funny wedding toast.

It was not too long ago, I was also tasked to write a wedding toast. Since I though I was a pretty humorous person, I tried to make a funny wedding toast. I tried to search the Internet for some tips and tricks on how to write a funny wedding speech. Good thing there are a lot of guides out there to help me in the writing process.

Allow me to share with you the things that I learned.

Write your funny wedding toast using a rough draft. The first draft will enable you to free write until you are finished. Free writing will allow you to write out your toast without worrying about grammar and spelling at first. Although, you need to edit heavily after you are finished. You can also have someone else edit your work for you.

Keep your toast short and simple. This means that you have to avoid using fancy words and long-winded sentences. Just imagine yourself delivering a long-winded sentence and then dropping a lame punch line - nobody will laugh at your joke and you will just embarrass yourself. So keep your toast short as much as you can. Write in short sentences and then populate your paragraph with 4 to 5 short sentences. This will keep the attention of your listening audience.

Use colourful and descriptive words. This tips does not mean that you will use fancy words that can only be found in the dictionary. No. This means that you have to show and not tell. Use metaphor, simile, and imagery when writing your toast. This will engage the imagination of your listening audience.

Avoid using excessive swear words, double meaning jokes, tasteless jokes, and inside jokes. Your goal for having the toast is to draw the attention of your listening audience and to honour the bride and groom. Do not tarnish the occasion by saying the wrong things.

Now you know how easy it is to write a funny wedding toast . All you need is a little creativity and a positive attitude. If you need more writing help then head on over to