Non Religious Wedding Ceremony

Non religious weddings are becoming popular now-a-days. People across the places are found to have an immense interest in the non religious weddings. This is because of the growing number of inter-cast marriages coming into evidence these days. Typical religious weddings follow strict and rigid rules and are thus not preferred by the majority of the people. Non religious weddings allow the omission of the tiring religious ceremonies on whole.

Such marriages do not include any of the religious languages or phrases during the wedding ceremony. Even the wedding vows in non religious weddings have a personal touch and demonstration of the inner feelings of the couple.

Non religious weddings can be categorized into three varieties.
" The first one is non religious and without any rituals;
" The second may include rituals but has no religious aspects and
" The third category is religious in feel but not in practice.

The first one can be called as a typical civil marriage ceremony. The most necessary things required here are the marriage license and witnesses. The vows are traditional and such marriages are quick and simple.
The second one where rituals are included is also known as humanist weddings. These are not as simple as civil weddings and include the self written or creative vows focusing on love, trust and commitment between the couple.
The last and the third one having religious feel is the one which may be conducted in the church but does not include any religious elements. The other religious practices such as the candle ceremony, reading of prayers and songs are included.
Thus, the non religious marriage ceremonies allow the couples to marry in their own special way and to achieve their expectations for a new life without any mess. They are much easier and comfortable for the couple as well as other family members.