Wedding Wording

Wedding Wording

Wedding becomes much more special when you hear your loved ones saying their best wishes for you and for your better half.  These wedding wordings which are whole heartedly given would bring tears to the eyes of the family members and most of the time even on the spectators.

Weddings have three primary types of wedding wordings or speeches.  First is the speech to be given by the father of the bride.  The father-of-the-bride’s speeches are usually filled with humor.  The father would reminisce about the happy times that they spent in the family.  The father would also like to give his wishes to the new member of the family.  Seeing the father being as the man that is not really that showy or very vocal about their emotions is a nice and touching view to see.  What the father should not do in giving his speech is to put the groom down.  As fathers, they would feel that their princesses are being taken away from them.  It would not only ruin the occasion but also dishearten their daughters.  The father’s perspective on the marriage is that there is going to be a new member in the family.  No one is going to be taken away instead, there will be a new addition to the family members.

The next wedding wording is from the groom.  This is the moment where the groom is going to state his gratitude to his parents, to the parents of his wife and of course to the guests who took their time off to celebrate the occasion with them.  The groom can also give a speech to his bride.  This is perhaps the most emotional part of the groom’s speech.  The brides would be overjoyed hearing his husband proclaiming to all of the guests his love and how lucky he is to be married to the most beautiful woman that he has known.

The final wedding wording is the best man’s speech.  Again, the speech of the groom’s either best friend or brother is supposed to be humorous.  Not to the point of being offensive but is enough to entertain the guests.  The best man will also say his blessings and wishes.

Wedding wordings can be humorous or serious and prepared or impromptu.  There would be times that guests would be asked to give speed even if you are not prepared.  You can give your speech in a humorous way.  In this manner, you would be able to entertain the guests and at the same time, make yourself comfortable in front of other people.  As long as you extend your wishes for the best future for the new couple then that is okay.

For those who already knew that they have to give speech, you can research a poem, quote or a sonnet in order to make your speech a bit formal and fit for the occasion.  You can also search online for some wedding speech then put a personal touch on it.

These speeches are very special for the new couple.  They are not just mere words but an assurance that there are many people who are wishing them well.  With this, the couple would surely feel that they are loved and supported by their families and friends.

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