How to Give the Grooms Speech - Part 2

In part 1 of this article we looked at what you should actually be talking about in your grooms speech. Now in part 2 we are going to look at how to control your nerves before standing up and delivering the speech of your life.

A word about nerves :

Nerves should never be mistaken for fear. Nerves are a good thing and should be welcomed. Nerves are a sign that you want to do well, you need to learn how to control your nerves so you can deliver your best. Ask any major sports star if they get nerves before the big game – the answer is always yes. They know that feeling will help them achieve the very best results. You need to accept that and welcome nerves as they appear.

The wedding breakfast comes to an end and the time for the speeches approaches

Its time for you to relax and try and shift some of that anxiety that has been building for most of the day.

Take a seat and close your eyes. Ensure that you are sitting comfortably. Slow your breathing down.

Inhale through your nose till your lungs become full then slowly exhale breathing out all the air in your lungs through your mouth.

Inhale again, filling your lungs, do it slowly – take three to five seconds to fill up.

Then pause. For a count of two.

Then exhale. Slowly again to a count of three to five if possible.

Then pause. Then Inhale again.

Try this for around about ten minutes. You will slowly start to fell the stress and worry leaving your mind.

This can be done without drawing attention to yourself. The best time to do this is during the Father of the Bride Speech – everyone is watching him and not you.

As the final seconds come before you talk take a final couple of deep breaths and then stand up, smile and deliver your speech.