Find The Basic Wedding Invitation Etiquette

If you are getting ready to address your wedding invitations, you have already embarked on a whirlwind of flowers, gowns and planning the wedding ceremony. The wedding invitation is another tradition that has a certain protocol to ensure the invitations are sent out properly.

However, within those guidelines, there can be room for some creativity, particularly if your family or wedding doesn't meet traditional expectations. Most brides find the basic wedding invitation etiquette rules to be helpful in getting the invitations ready for mailing. We have a few rules here that will get you started on the right track.

Spell it Out

A wedding invitation generally spells out most words instead of using the usual abbreviations for them. The exception to this rule would be the titles of Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc. that are commonly used to formally address people. Never abbreviate names, including the middle name of anyone listed on the wedding invitation.

If you don't want to write out the full middle name, it is best to omit it completely. The date of the wedding should also be spelled out in full on the wedding invitation, along with the time of the service. Addresses also need to be spelled out in full, including words like "street" or "avenue".

What Type of Type Style?

There are many fonts available today for your wedding invitation, but some of those fonts are more acceptable under general etiquette guidelines than others. Most of the wedding invitation wording you see will use either a script or an engraved font, and the ink color of choice is usually black.

However, some brides will choose to use a color that will coordinate with the overall shade of the wedding. If you decide to go this route, just make sure the ink you choose is easy to read.

Assembling the Package

Once you get the wording and the printing of your wedding invitation down, it will be time to assemble the complete package. This can be a daunting task when you see the number of pieces involved, but the process is really quite simple. First, place the protective tissue over the front of your wedding invitation and place in the large envelope.

On top of the protected invitation, place the reception invitation, response card and any directions or map in that order. Address the outer envelope by hand; calligraphy can make a beautiful touch. You can use a decorative seal on the back of the envelope and a coordinating stamp for a nice finishing touch.

The wedding invitation should be mailed out six to eight weeks in advance of your big day. With these tips under your belt, you can rest assured that your wedding invitations will be the perfect introduction to your perfect wedding day.