Cliche' Wedding Traditions

Although a wedding is attended by hundreds or often legions of people, always remember the entire wedding revolves around only two people, you and your better half. You have spent months organising flowers, caterers, wedding videographers and obviously need the whole wedding to be as perfect as possible. Many couples now try avoiding what is regarded as cliché wedding ideas, but the truth is that they have been around for hundreds of years and trying to have a wedding that does not include at least a few of them is nearly impossible. Although the marriage day finally is yours, the couple, the guests have a tendency to take over the reception and it is difficult not to include some conventional concepts into your wedding ceremony and reception.

If you've got many guests attending your reception there's always those initial awkward moments when everyone arrives and takes their seats. Many guests are strangers to each other and getting the whole glass clinking thing going where everyone seems to be roaring for the bride-to-be and bridegroom to kiss is the perfect ice breaker. This was always a part of the marriage reception in years gone, it was intended to repel malicious spirits and give the bride-to-be and groom a preliminary moment to 'connect' without the malicious spirits being around.

Whether or not the bride-to-be and groom may not be too happy with the idea, most people who attend the reception will pay special attention to the cutting of the cake. The exact reason and history behind it is confusing, but everyone will cheer and roar if the cake gets smeared into the faces of the bride and bridegroom. It may not be the most civilised way of eating cake, but it is always a favourite with the guests.

As the evening moves on you are sure to get someone that will start the conga line dance, who can resist that? It generally ends up with somebody tripping over one of the children or knocking over a table, which is something else that everyone expects. Even though poor old Uncle Joe will get a scolding for being so drunk, everybody will adore the conga.

Just before the bride and groom depart for the evening the bouquet and garter are tossed. Though the garter tossing is slowly vanishing the bouquet toss is still common at most marriage ceremonies. If this is one of those cliches that you prefer not to do at your wedding reception, be grateful that you are not living in the 14th century. Before the introduction of the bouquet toss, the guests would rip at the brides dress to try to tear a piece off as it was considered good luck, but as the tradition of handing down your wedding dress started that faded away and got replaced with the bouquet.

Whether or not you are a fan of cliché wedding ideas or not, there is no doubt that they are going to be around for many more generations to come and it's much better to get into the spirit when attending a marriage and enjoy the customs that have endured across the ages, after all marriages are a celebration of love and unity.