Best Man Speech Examples

Writing a speech for your best buddy's wedding is extremely hard and time consuming especially if you have never done much public speaking before.

My name is joey and i have been a best man 3 times now, the first time was the hardest because i did not know where to start.

My worst fear was getting up in front all those people and completely sucking! i did not want to have a crap speech so i turned my efforts towards the internet.

There are so many crap examples of best man speeches online its unbelievable the worst thing about it is that its all the same!

Who wants to hear the same best man speech over and over again? Like myself i am sure you want to finish off your speech with a massive round of applause

Don't worry I am here to help!

Seeing a number of mates struggle with their best man speech and seeing hundreds of posts online I thought it's about time I shared my speech secrets!

All 3 times I have wrote speeches that will be remembered for a long time! And received a standing ovation after everyone!

A few tips first of all with things you need to avoid in your speeches!

  • It needs to be funny but don't make it so funny that the bride and groom are no longer laughing
  • Pay thanks to people who made the day possible but don't forget their names!
  • Try to relax and have a good time before your speech but do not get drunk that you can hardly stand or slur your words
  • Keep it personal but don't make it embarrassing towards anyone.

If you look in my bio before I have posted a link to my website where you can get more tips , best man speech examples and a link to a secret website you can get hundreds of high quality best man speeches ready for you just to make personal (20 mins work!)

Thanks for reading and good luck for the big day!