Find suitable Garhwali and Kumauni match is meant for the people from uttarakhand spread all over the world and achieved successful position in their respective fields. Because of communication gap between the community members, young generation is finding very difficult to find a suitable match within community. is dedicated to 3G uttarakhandies to find suitable match with in Garhwali and Kumauni community. Log on to

A survey has been conducted by to know the marriage preferences of the people of Uttarakhand State. Opinions of Around 72,852/- people were sought through various media like electronic, personal interview etc. The outcomes of the results are on the basis of responses received.

Around 75 percent people have shown their faith in marriage within community. According to them marriage with in community gives better harmony and understanding in marital life. Marriage with in community is also well accepted in the social arena of Uttarakhand Society. In their opinion people of uttarakhand who have done marriage outside community resulted to be very painful.

33.09 percent people have accepted marriage outside community. They feel reason behind that is lack of communication between the people of uttarakhand. As people of uttarakhand community has spread all over the world and achieved tremendous success in all fields. It's very difficult to find suitable match with in community for them. Most to them appreciated which will help them in finding suitable match within the community.

8.99 percent respondent felt their concern and said if they found suitable match within the community they will prefer to do marriage within community. But incase they are not able to find a suitable match they will not mind doing marriage outside the community also. They have also shown their faith in for finding a suitable match for them with in community.

Overall the people have preferred marriage within the community