Father of the Bride Speech - How to Make it Memorable

You're little girl is now getting married. This is a big part in both your life and her's. And since this is a big part in both of your lives, you should have a lot to say at the wedding, right? Did you even know that you should be speaking at her wedding reception? If not, you need to get a speech prepared, and get it prepared quick!

What if you don't even know where to start? That's not a big deal, really, as wedding speeches are fairly simple to craft. Once you get some ideas down on paper, memories will start flowing through your mind so quickly that you'll be unable to keep up with all of your thoughts! It really is one of those things that when you "get going" on it, you can't seem to stop it.

So, in order to help you create a memorable speech, make sure you use an outline to craft your masterpiece. An outline will help organize your thoughts in an order that will make your speech easy to understand. This way, everyone in attendance will be able to follow your stories as you share them with everyone.

Also, you want to make sure to include some humor in your speech as well, in addition to a few great, sentimental memories you have of you and your daughter. The humor helps your speech sound more lively, and the sentimental, more emotional parts will have the crowd in tears of joy and happiness. Using these two together will help create a great speech that will have everyone remembering it for many years to come.

Now, if you don't already have a speech prepared, you need to visit Wedding Speeches . Get prepared with pre-written speeches, quotes, one-liners, speech samples and more!