Many Wedding Shower Themes to Choose From

Having a wedding shower is a common practice before a wedding. This could be arranged by the bridesmaids or the mother of the bride and the guests are the women who will be invited to the wedding. A more common practice in recent times is to have a shower that both the bride and groom attend and the guests are of both genders. Whichever type of shower you choose to have for the happy couple, there are many wedding shower themes to choose from to make the occasion memorable and exciting for everyone involved.

Some of the most common themes for bridal showers include:

- Lingerie shower. This event is usually a women only event in which the guests bring gifts of lingerie for the bride to be. There may be a male stripper performing and the games will have a sexual undertone to them. The name of the shower could be aughty and Nice?in which gifts could include edible panties, personal lubricants or gift certificates for lingerie stores.

- Leisure and Entertainment. For couples that love to entertain friends and family, this theme for a wedding shower would provide them with gifts associated with such events. Guest could bring gifts such as lawn chairs, barbecuing utensils, serving dishes, games of all kinds. For higher priced items several guests could pool their money and buy a gift between them such as a new barbecue.

- Kitchen Shower. Either or both the bride and groom may love cooking and baking. By holding a shower in which the guests bring items essential in the kitchen and pantry, the couple is assured of having everything they need to set up house. Gifts of this nature are relatively inexpensive and can include a wide variety of electrical appliances, cutlery, dishes, and glassware. Bowls, bakeware and measuring spoons, for example, never go astray no matter how many you receive.

- Shower of Memories. This is the perfect theme for the couple who already have everything they need. Guests can bring photos of the couple in earlier times or even create a scrapbook for the occasion. It could be just a fun get together where old friends rehash fun times and the guests tell funny stories about the bride and groom. In some ways, this could be the opportunity to roast, rather than toast, the happy couple.

- Travel Theme. Does the couple like to travel a lot and plan to continue doing so after the wedding? If so, a shower with a travel theme is a great way to help them stick up on supplies they need for travelling. Disposable cameras, for example, make great gifts, as do toiletries, small first aid kits, sunscreen, travel bags and personalized items.

- Linen Shower. What couple doesn need a supply of linens? There are many choices in the type of gifts that guests can bring to such a shower from tablecloths, napkins, dishcloths, towels and bed linens. If you know that the couple wants to buy a bedspread or duvet set, you can give them a gift certificate at a local store where they can make the purchase of their choosing.

The ideas for wedding showers are numerous. It is important though to take the needs and interests of both the bride and groom into consideration when you are planning such an event.