Yoga as Anti Aging

Yoga is Anti Aging Therapy, which has been discovered in a small but great country of the Globe - India, by the Yogis and Rishis of Yore. They discovered Yoga for perfection in all aspects of the LIFE. You know friend, that the aspects of Life are - Body, Mind and Soul. Yoga gives you the perfect health of the body and mind.

I deem Yoga Science is only the greates solution for Anti Aging or Slow Aging.

The modern therapists realized the good effects of yoga on health, therefore, it has been now practicing and suggesting by the therapists in modern age to adopt the Yoga and adapt the Yoga techniques and get adept of this highly effective ancient science of well being.

Perfection in Action is YOGA. Yoga is an Art through which one enjoy Perfection and Integral Developments.

There are various types of Yoga - Dhyan Yoga, Gyan Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Hath Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Yantra Yoga etc.

What is Integral Development?

Our being is categorized into 3 layers/planes - Body, Mind and Spirit. The development of all your 3 aspects of your being is Integral Development.

Through Yoga one becomes perfect at trio planes/levels.

Body:Healthy body is outcome of healthy mind and healthy mind is outcome of healthy body. Both are interlinked. Pranayam, Asanas, Mudras, Bandhas and Meditation makes the Body and Mind controlled for desirous utility.

Mind:We are all psychic. However, many of us have not yet learned how to harness the virtually unlimited power at our fingertips. The workshop will give you a comprehensive hands-on approach to developing your gifts. There will be four complete meditations utilizing state-of-the-art techniques for aligning the subconscious and super-conscious minds and unlocking the intuitive centers of the brain. The seminar comes complete with written diagrams and charts explaining how psychic and intuitive functioning works, how to eliminate blocks to full creative self-expression, and how to reach a greater understanding of your imagination and its ability to enhance your life. Each process will also feature Sal?s original angelic music and highly effective autosuggestions. The Expert has an ability to make participants feel safe and comfortable, while at the same time challenging them to stretch and grow. The Workshop is ideal for those who are just beginning, or have had some psychic and intuitive experience and want to learn how to control and direct it for the highest good of self and humanity.

Soul:Soul is the Truth, The Law who/which is eternal.