Wedding reception fare is so imperative that it can either make or ruin your day. It is crucial that you select the appropriate menu to offer your guests. What is considered the appropriate menu anyway? Is there a handbook to help the newcomers? Can't the couple simply order any edibles for the big event? Is there a difference at all when it comes to wedding food and regular party food?

When we mention party, the immediate thing that we think of is an easy-going social gathering. It is where a crowd of people, generally with the same friends, are gathered together for a distinct reason or goal or simply to have a good time. That is the reason the word "party" is often defined with another word to note the type of party. It also lets you know who your visitors will be. Examples are bachelorette parties for single women, Christmas parties for employees and wine tasting parties for adults.

The sort of occasion and the guests are two huge factors that limit the food to be on hand. Cocktail parties should of course have cocktails to indulge their grown-up guests. Some snacks would be perfect to complement the party cocktails and hard liquor. In a kid's celebration, you have to consider what little ones like so your bill of fare can include spaghetti, hot dogs, and floats.

Wedding events, on the other hand, are a much more personal and traditional gathering. Although a couple can either elect to have an elegant theme or a decidedly casual one, the term "wedding" is thought of as formal and deserves reverence. And what makes wedding parties distinctive from other parties is the diversity of the folks invited. The guests may also have varying religious faiths, cultures, and education.  Aside from the theme of your special event, all of those things are factors you have to keep in mind when planning for wedding food.

When preparing your wedding fare, you have to set when you plan to hold the reception. Unlike the usual occasions, where they are scheduled at understood times (Christmas parties at night, birthday parties during the afternoon), weddings can vary. They can be anywhere from early morning to late at night. The edible offerings as well, should be adjusted for the hour.  Buffets and lighter food can be served at mid-day wedding celebration while a traditional menu is a better choice for late receptions.

For very early or breakfast receptions, you may serve croissants, pancakes, muffins, pastries and other typical breakfast fare. Beverages might be coffee, fresh-squeezed juices and in some instances mimosas. Luncheons are suited for those who are saying their vows around late morning to lunch. For late afternoon or early evening events, you might offer appetizers and alcohol, and for the evening wedding, a sit-down meal with a minimum of three courses is appropriate.

So, is there a difference between wedding fare and party fare? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Because wedding reception foods and common party foods sometimes overlap.  You can have distinct kinds of celebrations and you can have different themes for weddings. What matters is that when you decide on your edible offerings, those three considerations should always be remembered – theme, time, guests.