"How to Get Rid of Age Spots" - and other FAQs

Are you sick and tired of age spot creams that just do not work? Have you tried expensive treatments only to find that the spots just come back again after a while? Surprisingly, once you know how to get rid of age spots, you will find that it’s actually quite simple. How? Let’s find out the answer to that and the other questions people have related to age spots.

How to get rid of age spots?
Before we talk about removing age spots, we must first understand why do they occur in the first place. Then we can identify an optimal solution for removing them. So let's get started.

Why do I have age spots?
The most common reason of age spots is over exposure to the sun. The UV rays of the sun increase the Melanin in our skin. The amount of this pigment in our skin decides how light or how dark our skin will be. More melanin means a darker skin. That is why we get a tan when we go out in the sun.

The problem is, when this melanin gets concentrated in a few places, dark spots appear on the skin. These spots are what we call age spots. Other factors that aid age spot formation are smoking, a poor diet, and environmental pollution.

Does freezing or laser treatment work in removing them?
These treatments do actually work in getting rid of the spots. There are, however, a couple of problems here. One, these treatments are highly destructive in nature and may leave behind scars and white lines on your skin. Second, since they do nothing to prevent new age spots from appearing, you would probably have more age spots a few months after the treatment, and then you have to undergo the treatment again and again.

You actually need to look for a less harsh and a complete treatment that can not only remove existing age spots, but prevent new ones from forming too.

OK, so how to get rid of age spots safely and permanently?
The answer is surprisingly simple. You need to look for a natural skin lightening cream that can reduce the melanin content in your skin. Reduced melanin will mean the existing age spots will go away and new ones will also be prevented. Using natural ingredients will ensure you wouldn’t have any side effects too.

These are the ingredients you need to look for:

Extrapone Nutgrass- This amazing plant extract from India has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Studies have shown that this natural ingredient can reduce the melanin in the skin by up to 40%, making it a really effective age spot remover.

Phytessence Wakame- This sea kelp from Japan helps our skin in multiple ways. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, which keep our skin healthy and nourished. Plus, it also protects our skin from UV rays and environmental pollution.

Grapeseed Oil- This natural oil is a powerful antioxidant and it also helps in retaining the moisture in our skin. This helps in avoiding the dry that skin people with age spots frequently suffer from.

Now that you know how to get rid of age spots, go out there and find a natural skin lightener. You can have a youthful, spot-free skin once again!