Your best nouns of Tinnitus?

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Wisdom Teeth Question.?
I have four impacted teeth being removed subsequent week, I was wondering whether or not these could be causing my tinnitus .. it one and only occurs randomly and possibly a couple times a day but is annoying... Wisdom teeth can cause the nouns around the ear to feel funny and some patients have mentioned the ringing. ...

With Tinnitus contained by 1 ear, if U flat rank on the operating table & they bring U wager on, does the Tinnitus resume?
You have that constant hissing in with the sole purpose one ear. The Ear/Nose/Throat specialist says Tinnitus is an electrical sound. You flat column on the operating table for 30 seconds and they bring you back. Does...

Woke up beside ringing contained by ear. Tinnitus??
Hi all, I woke up this morning with ringing surrounded by my left ear. It's driving me insane. I did some research and found the symtom tinnitus. I thought it was ear wax build up, so I cleaned it beside a over the counter ear wax remover, but the ringing still occurs.

Wondering if my symptoms are depression or worse.?
I have posted a better description of my condition on the forums in my insinuation below but here it is in a nutshell: I just can't achieve motivated much of the time. Basic tasks go undone. I find other things to do (or of late do nothing). This goes into all...

Working treatment that reduce or removes tinnitus?
I've heard of hypnosis and so on and i'd like to know if anyone could recommend any technique.Some medications can basis ringing in the ears. I'd check that out first. white noise can help 'Audacity' to generate this tone...

Worried give or take a few my dad??
My dad told me he has a ringing in his ear for 2 days in a minute. I'm worried if he might have Tinnitus or not. Is this normal to have ringing in your ear occasionally? Or do you think its something similar to Tinnutus? Please respond ^_^Wait a few more days and...

Worried just about enlistment into Military next to Tinnitus?
Hello everyone, please allow me to say thank you in mortgage for taking your time to read this question. I have have tinnitus since I was a child, due to many ear infections and sinus infections which I seem to get when my tonsils were infected contained by my teens. Lost count...

Would a doctor be capable of describe if i hold tinnitus a moment ago by looking within my ear?
i have a faint buzzing crash in my ear like shhhhhhhhhh and he said I fink its simply ear wax not what people say? wen i budge back doctors would he be able 2 communicate if i have tinnitus just by looking...

Would an intelligent-designer create a defense-mechanism to be counterproductive?
Such as ear wax getting clogged up and causing permanent or pro tem tinnitus? Obviously you are supposed to take thought of yourself. Why would evolution cause the same problem? intelligent-designer? Handicapped factory worker more like... Ear wax buildup doesnt cause any kind of tinnitus. Tinnitus is cause by damage to...

Would CT scan reveal the presence of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) surrounded by a human being?
Would CT scan reveal the presence of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in a person? Are OCD & Tinnitus related? If a being has prolonged OCD, would he/she develop Tinnitus due to the stress, anxiety & panic attacks of OCD?Some otc items for ocd are...

Would medical marijuana assistance tinnitus?
I'm not a smoker, i'd eat it in cookies. Other than making you numb to the sound/the world, marijuana won't lend a hand. medical marijuana is good for nothing I myself enjoy been diagnosed with tinnitus. The adjectives too ******* irritating constant ringing in your ears. Yeah, I feel your headache lol. And I don't...

Would medicare cover my treatment overseas?
I been suffering major depression and tinnitus for 2.5 years and still adjectives of the treatments i was on were not sufficiently influential. However new treatment that is solely available in America and Canada repetitive Trans-cranial Magnetic Stimulation has proved decisive for both conditions.(Major Depression and tinnitus). The treatment has been FDA approved contained by...

Would similar to info on professional or right ear protection for musicians?
I am a musician who has been playing for over 30 years and within the past, playing live and loud, my ears have have various bouts of tinnitus or ringing in the ears. I bought some gummy bear waxxy types, but these aren't honourable enough quality. Can anyone...

Would these ear plugs be ok to use for work and gigs?
i work with machinery, which isnt amazingly loud but still aggrovates my ears, i am a tinnitus sufferer so i bought these to try, they say they're for flying but would they be ok to use for hours at a time at work or gigs? the packet doesnt hold...

Would you wear Ear Plugs when Clubbing or at Rock Concerts?
I love my music; However a shocking 76% of clubbers / rock fans experience ringing in their ears (tinnitus) after listen to music at the average of 110db – risking permanent hearing overexploit What would make ear plugs fashionable & desirable? What cool style would you in...

Yesh...i hear ringing noise too..?
i know that it is tinnitus and all, but is it gonna stay with me for a life span time? or can it be cured? should i worry about it? appreciation!you can have it forever or it can stop someday. It's a real bummer if it's indisputable loud. I've had it for 5 years with no...

Your best nouns of Tinnitus?
I have made this a add-on chunk to my other topic dont worry i aint making another soon. but (if you have Tinnitus) what be the biggest relief for you? I don't mean to be close-fisted but when i heard other people have it i felt better because i used to think when i be...

Can I own tinnitus and still be hired as a firefighter?
Can I have documented tinnitus and still get hired on as a firefighter?Tinnitus is cause from stress or damage to nerves, and sensitivities to certain food ingredients (also these factor contribute to insomnia). Read my three articles on insomnia on my 360 blog, follow the blogs back to February. ...

Can I ride a motorcyle lacking making my tinnitus worse?
tinnitusWear disposable foam earplugs. They will attenuate sound by 25-30db yet still allow you to hear emergency vehicle in traffic. Source(s): long time motorbike rider. Motorcycles are very loud, so they are expected to exacerbate tinnitus, if only temporarily. However, there may be some route to insulate your ears enough...

Can i still listen to my ipod even though i hold tinnitus?
i got tinnitus from listning to my ipod on full and now im upset to use it in fear of making the ringing louder. i own already turned on the sound check(which makes song 20% quieter) and i listen to it at 60% immediately with sony earbuds. is it...

Can i win tinnitus from listen to ipod too much?
no i know what tetanus is lol! If its really loud, and you hear ringing thats a sign of tinitis. Basically you're probaly going to lose some of your hearing if you continue this method because you're damaging the cilia, the tiny hair resembling projections that move towards the sound in...