Why does the weather affect my Tinnitus?

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Why Does My tinnitus Get Louder With SOUND?
Please for the love of god someone please give me a right answer When i sleep its a hiss with a small chirp when i listen to music it get worse and worse and worse till i have to turn it back bad. The most important entity you can do is...

Why does my tinnitus obtain worse after exercise.?
Ive had tinnitus now for 5 weeks. go to doc, he said get used to it. It is annoying but why does it get worse after exercise. Doc does not know. Also red wine make it better.I think it's due to increased blood flow that happens when you exercise Source(s): ...

Why does the weather affect my Tinnitus?
I have had Tinnitus for four years immediately and am better now than I was as far as dealing next to it goes, in the birth i wanted to do myself in, surrounded by drove me mad, I still have it immediately but i am dealing with it better, maybe my brain is getting...

Why individuals similar to loud bass nouns contained by their systems, and why don't they ponder nearly other peoples ear condition?
One guy, like 5 houses away. put his music while cleaning his truck.And like heaps crazy people who put stereo systems in his cars... they enjoy this bass( not the music instrument)boosting that's so loud i can hear it so...

Why is in attendance a ringing contained by my ear?
I am 14, so this probably isn't tinnitus. I heard a ringing in my disappeared ear for about 10 minutes, then It go sort of staticy for a bit, then it stopped. The next daytime, my ear plugged for 3 hours. I tried to get rid of it, but nothing seem...

Why is it after i wear ear plugs my tinnitus get worse?
ok so i have tinnitus from ear infection and i never expose myself to loud noise minus ear plugs i have just get a new motorbike and noticed it is reasonably loud anyway the first day i went out and wore ear plugs my tinnitus get worse. it wore...

Why is it my ears unsteadily start ringing?
sometimes it just happens for around 1 minute and it goes away again. i doubt its tinnitus. i'm only 15 by the path.Do you listen to profusely of loud music? Loud music, especially through headphones, can cause ringing contained by the ears and hearing loss. Keep the volume down on your...

Why is it that witchcraft spells placed on someone make the individuals ears ring?
Tinnitus? Has anyone evey had the dead summoned after them to try and requisition / stop there heart while they slept to kill them? Has anyone ever have witchcraft / demonology used on them which caused their heart to hurt or cause you to enjoy irregular...

Why is my ear pulsing?
For the past day within has been approaching a pulsing feeling/noise in my left ear. Every couple second there is I would say 5-10 pulses. Its driving me nuts- Anyone know what it might be? Its not tinnitus- I own that and this is totally different.It could be early symptoms of the...

Why is my mom still have tinnitus months after her ear operation?
She had her operation six months ago and she's still hearing buzzing/ringing noise in her ear every other day. The surgery be to fix a ruptured eardrum in her right ear. It was successful at first but consequently a couple of months later, there be a small hole...

Why is my right ear ringing so much?
Hi all! I have read up on the Tinnitus piece. I have even visited an ENT. I be given no solution to my ear problem. My right ear feels full and rings quite a bit. I be wondering if there was indeed a path to stop this ringing.

Why is my tinnitus not getting your strength back?
I'm so stressed about this. I've had ringing/static within one ear for over 5 weeks. I've been on prednisone (a steroid) for one week now and the ringing have gotten worse! None of this started until I had finished 5 days' worth of steroids for a separate problem. Yet doctors tell me...

Why is nearby a throbbing or pulsing nouns contained by my ear?
Okay, so I have this throbbing noise surrounded by my ear. My left ear...and I go to my ENT doctor every 2 weeks. He never said anything in the region of what causes the sound, but later again I never asked. I have a very small amount of tinnitus.

Why its Ringing contained by the right ear?
Consulted doctor and he advised this is due to sinusitis.The medicine recommended is 200 mgSparfloxacin(antibiotic),Ibubrofen+par… mg), steaming next to inhalant capsule Genvol cadila made for 5 days twice a day respectively tablet. No improvement of ringing sound-Tinnitus.Nothing is obstructing the pathof the ear upto the ear drum.whather the problem is beside middile...

When I close my ears i hear a mild crickets chirping sound in a roar background. Naturally we all consistency some form noise when ears are closed. That' ok. But why the mild chirping noise? If it is tinnitus why it is feel when ears or closed? If it is...

Why wont my tinnitus progress away?
I recently had wax within my ear and had to get the doctor to clear it out, she said that be y i herd ringing in my ear presently that the wax is out i still hear the ringing in my ear its been a week since i have the wax clearedShould go on its...

Why would my doctor crinkle my probability for a settlement on my catastrophe?
I was rearended by a teen talking on her cell phone. Suffer whiplash etc. Prior to the quirk I did not have high blood pressure or tinnitus. A specialist at the Clinic run tests. Test prooves hearing loss hiatus of high frequencies where race with this dip...

Will a audible range aid gross tinnitus worse? Or better?
My mother has tinnitus and she needs a audible range aid in the near adjectives but she is reluctant because she thinks it might make the tinnitus worse. I meditate it might make it better because tinnitus is not an outside sound. Any experiences next to this?i have hearing aids. and...

Will Chicago police buy these Sonic Devices to hold on to the Tea Partiers down during the 0bama-bought Olympics?
Originally published 04:45 a.m., October 1, 2009, updated 08:38 a.m., October 1, 2009Jerry Seper - Police Buy Military-style Sonic Device to Subdue Crowds Jerry Seper and Chuck Neubauer THE WASHINGTON TIMES With the help of Homeland Security grants, police departments...

Will going to a concert brand my tinnitus worse, even if i wear ear plugs?
okay so i have tinnitus which is a permanent ringing within my ears i got it from going to one rock concert yes just one concert a couple months ago. I really want to turn to a never shout never concert in december but i was...