Internal Hemorrhoids Symptoms - How it Differs From External Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids though not very dangerous to human life have caused a concern to modern human beings mostly living in developed cities and towns. It has been a rampant urban disorder mostly caused by undisciplined life style, stress caused by work leading to higher blood pressures than normal, unhygienic conditions and many more. The anus and the rectum get swollen and inflamed followed by redness, itching and pain.

There are two types of annoying hemorrhoids; internal, where a lump or lumps form on the inside of the anus, and external; where the protruding veins appears on the outside of your rectum. However, with your internal hemorrhoid condition, the lump in the rectum could be caused by pregnancy, or after giving birth to a baby.

The symptoms of internal hemorrhoids are anal itching, pain or throbbing ache in the sensitive area, bright red blood showing up on the toilet paper and pain when having a bowel movement.

Other Symptoms

Rectal bleeding. Like external hemorrhoids, bright red spots of blood may appear on toilet paper after a bowel movement. Unlike, external hemorrhoids, blood spots may appear on toilet paper if one wipes the anus before a bowel movement and in addition, blood may appear on individual pieces of stool. Because the bleeding takes place internally, small amounts of blood may leak from the anus even in the absence of a bowel movement and there is the possibility that the stool will pick up small amounts of blood on its way out of the large intestine.

One thing some people looking for an internal hemorrhoid treatment might be tempted to do is use laxatives but they are generally not suggested by most doctors, or they are suggested in moderation. Having loose stool can actually worsen your problem by irritating the hemorrhoid tissues in your body and cause problems you will not want to deal with later on.

Difficulty or obstruction in passing stools and occurrence blood stains with stools is considered to be primary symptom of internal hemorrhoid. At the same time it is not necessary that every occurrence of stool blood must be cause of hemorrhoid. It may be indication of any other disease. Your doctor will decide exact cause of blood stool after clinical investigations. In certain cases you can notice hemorrhoids enlarged to an extent that lumps hangs out from anus. Such condition is termed as prolapsed hemorrhoid. You may mis-take prolapsed internal hemorrhoid as external hemorrhoid due to its appearance on outer side of the rectal region.

If you are suffering from internal hemorrhoids you may be wondering what treatment options you have. Due to the fact that hemorrhoids can be caused by strain many doctors suggest increasing your fiber intake and your water intake as part of a treatment for internal hemorrhoids. This can help to soften stool and reduce the strain needed. It is often suggested not to use laxatives or to use them sparingly. Loose stools can also irritate the delicate hemorrhoidal tissues and cause more problems rather than treating the internal hemorrhoids.