Is Your Shower Making You Sick?

Many people are aware of how important it is to make sure that their drinking water is clean and contaminant-free. But not nearly as many people are aware of how important it is to make sure that their shower water is clean and contaminant-free.

The reality is that contaminants in tap water, such as chlorine, SOCs (synthetic organic chemicals), VOCs (volatile organic chemicals),  and THMs (chlorination by-products), are absorbed by your body more easily when you take a shower than when you drink water. Studies have shown that your body can absorb up to eight glasses of water while taking a 10 minute shower.

When showering, the pores of your skin open up and allow a high rate of absorption of tap water chemicals. You also inhale these chemicals when they vaporize during a shower. These inhaled chemicals enter directly into your bloodstream and are transported throughout your body. The steam you inhale while showering can contain up to 20 times the concentration of chlorine and other chemicals, due to the fact that these chemicals vaporize at a much lower temperature and at a much faster rate than water. While over 98% of the water coming from your shower head goes down the drain, 70% to 90% of the chemicals in the water vaporize before the water hits the shower floor.

Chlorine and other tap water chemicals are linked to a variety of health problems. They increase the risk for several types of cancer, including bladder, rectal, prostate and breast cancer. They increase the risk for arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). They aggravate skin conditions, sinus conditions and allergies. They are a suspected cause of asthma and bronchitis.

Other parts of your house can actually be affected by chlorinated shower water. The Environmental Protection Agency has stated that "Due to chlorine and showering, virtually every home in America has a detectable level of chloroform gas in the air." When chlorine vaporizes during a shower, and combines with other organic compounds in the air, it converts to chloroform. Chloroform is a strong respiratory irritant and also causes fatigue.

In addition to health problems, chlorinated shower water can also cause several cosmetic problems. Chlorine strips the natural protective oils from your skin and hair, causing dry and irritated skin, a flaky and itching scalp, and damaged and brittle hair. Without the effects of chlorine in your shower water, your skin and hair will retain moisture more effectively and will have a younger, healthier look and feel. Chlorine also kills much of the beneficial bacteria on the surface of your skin that offers a natural defense against skin disorders. Shower filtration can often help prevent and cure skin disorders.

So how do you ensure that your shower water is clean and contaminant-free? It's easy - use a high quality shower head water filter. Higher quality shower head water filters are very effective at filtering out chlorine and other tap water chemicals. They are also easy to install and maintain.

In conclusion, filtering your shower water is just as important as filtering your drinking water. Filtered shower water will not only provide you with plenty of health benefits, it will provide you with plenty of cosmetic benefits as well.