Did you know Yoga helps you loose weight?

There comes a time in every person's life that they want to loose weight or tone their body. The first thing that pops into the mind is to go on a diet or start an exercise program. While both of these work to loose weight, they can sometimes cause a sudden loss of weight that is hard to keep off or maintain due to the speed at which the weight came off. A body needs time to adjust while losing weight to increase the chance that the weight will remain gone. It is best to lose weight slowly and tone the body while losing weight. Yoga poses for Weight loss offer a program that does just that. Yoga is not just a relaxation technique; but also a program that tones muscles for loosing weight.

Yoga Asanas are the Yoga poses for Weight loss that work on posture. A body with good posture will open the breathing passages that help with weight loss. Yoga poses that help tighten the abdominal region are the Abdominal lift, Spinal twist, Wind releasing pose, Cobra pose, Child pose and Yogic seal pose. Complete these poses slowly and hold for three breaths to get the full benefit.

Yoga poses for Weight loss that work on toning the arms and legs are the Dog pose and Bridge pose in both a face up and face down position. Additional poses are the Tree pose, Swinging lotus pose, Squat and rise pose and Celibacy pose. Complete these poses slowly and hold them for three breaths to get the full benefit for the arms and legs.

Yoga poses for loosing weight that tone the thighs and hips are some of the same used for other body parts. The Dog pose in a face up and down position and the Celibacy pose also work the arms and legs. Add the Sun salute, Hero post I and II, Butterfly pose, Angle pose and Triangle pose to tone the thighs and hips. Complete the poses slowly and hold each one for three breaths to receive the full benefit for the body.

Take the time to clear your thoughts while completing the Yoga poses for Weight loss by using this yoga time for meditation and toning to get a double benefit for your body.