How to Collect Herbs without Sacrificing Quality

The natural way of healing takes courage to start with. From the gathering of herbs to the preparation, it involves considerable amount of effort. If you want to collect your herbs, you can get it in the wild or choose to get it from private gardens. Collecting your herbs in the wild is the cheapest way. But let me tell you some word of warning; plants growing on public places are protected by law. In the United States alone, collecting wild plants in bulk is not viable. For private lands, you need first to get the nod of the land-owner, otherwise you will be sued for trespassing.

Still wanting to collect your own herbs in spite the warning?  Follow these tips to help you collect herbs without sacrificing quality:

  1. Pick a warm, dry sunny day.
  2. After a rain, allow two or three sunny days  to pass before venturing out
  3. Early collect your plants. Be sure that the dew has dried
  4. Only select healthy plants. Beware of damage plants cause by disease or pest
  5. Gather roots and bark in spring or fall, before or after flowering.
  6. Bark should be collected from small branches. Don't damage the large limbs or the trunk when collecting.
  7. Collect the plants in flower if the flower is of vital importance
  8. Fully ripe seeds and fruit are most favored

Identify properly your gathered herbal plants. This is very very important. There should be no room for mistake as health is at stake. If you had a hard time identifying, seek the help of the experts, preferably from someone already familiar with them.  You may check out the actual specimens in a herbarium or at a museum or schools; or many plant identification books. Do not ever dare to use plant that you have not positively identified.