Sunlight: Advantages and Disadvantages

The sunlight .. that beautiful natural light. Is it healthy or not? do you need too-much sunlight or just little sunlight? This brings talk about the sunlight and we need to ask ourselves a couple of questions. Do we need sunlight for our health? Well, the answer is simply yes. Certainly, sunlight is the origin of food and nature on earth. The sun keeps the earth stable, without it we would have been frozen. Sunlight is the source of “Vitamin D”. There is no source like sunlight for vitamin D, a much-needed vitamin for our bodies. Vitamin D is placed in food but sunlight is needed to make it usable and powerful in our body. So we must get exposed to the sunlight to get our vitamin D from it. Avoiding vitamin D would be a “big” problem later. It increases the risk of cancer and lung diseases. That is top reason for our need to sit on sunlight to get enough vitamin D. Seriously though, 10-minutes every day in the sunlight is enough. Sunlight also prevents many bacterial, and viral infections. More importantly, sunlight strengthens our immune system by providing quick white-cell building in the blood. White blood cells help us have a healthy immune system.
But ever wondered if too much sunlight would cause a serious damage?
This is the fact. Being in sunlight is healthy for all reasons I remarked, but “too much of it” would open the door towards skin diseases, like Skin cancer. A deadly disease with many variations that could spread in the body, threaten your life, and probably cause death.
So in conclusion: Get 10-minute direct sunlight every day, without any face or head protection, no glasses or hats. 10-minute every day will be enough to produce vitamin D for your body and eliminates the risks involved between vitamin D deficiency and cancer or other diseases. Those 10-minutes of sunlight will give you many healthy benefits.
1. vitamin D
2. better immune system
3. preventing bacteria, viruses, and infections