We all need saliva to moisten and cleanse our mouths and digest food. Saliva also prevents infection by controlling bacteria and fungi in the mouth. When we don't produce enough saliva, our mouth gets dry and uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are many effective treatments for dry mouth.

Cracked, dry or sore lips are both unsightly and painful. They can be caused by a variety of conditions, and can also be symptoms of more serious illnesses. Lips are skin, similar in many respects to the skin on the rest of your body, but unlike much of your skin the lips do not produce natural oils to protect them.

Dryness of lips may be caused by extreme exposed to temperature, whether this is hot or cold. Dry Lips are marked by dry, cracked, painful lips and may result in a red ring around the mouth. In the summer, the sun can be responsible for dry Lips but routine use of a lip balm containing sunscreen can prevent summertime dry Lips . In the wintertime, dry Lips are a more common problem, because the air is dry and the cold wind further dries the lips out. Many people lick their lips to relieve the dryness, making the problem worse. Just as in the summertime, treating dry Lips in the winter can make use of a moisturizing lip balm containing sunscreen.

Symptoms of Dry Mouth

The most common symptoms of dry mouth are:

· a sticky, dry feeling in the mouth
· trouble chewing, swallowing, tasting, or speaking
· a burning feeling in the mouth
· a dry feeling in the throat


The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Cracked lips. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms.

· Dry lips
· Cold weather
· Wind exposure
· Licking your lips too often

Cracked lips could be very unsightly. The uncontrolled dryness of the lips normally causes this condition. However, cold weather and exposure to the wind are also the reasons why lips get cracked. Lip sores, allergies, and licking your lips too often are also the other culprits why you develop cracked lips. To make chapped lips look full and luscious again, There are some home remedies you can use.

Vitamin A is very important for the growth and repair of the skin. See to it that your diet provides you with sufficient quantity of vitamin A. Carrots, tomatoes and green leafy vegetables are the good sources of vitamin A.

Drink plenty of water everyday.

Cut fine slices of cucumber and rub on lips.
Apply Aloe Vera gel on your lips.

Use a lip balm. Numerous products are available over the counter. Pick one that you like so you'll use it frequently. Most lip balms are waxy or greasy and work by sealing in moisture with a protective barrier. Plain old petroleum jelly works just fine, too.

Make a vitamin rich juice by adding 1 tbsp. of water cress, carrot and spinach juice, 2 tbsp. wheat germ oil, one glass of tomato juice, and 1 tbsp. of nutritional yeast. Eat whole grains, legumes and nutritional yeast.