Where to Find Massage Parlors in North America

Massage parlors are hugely popular around the world, but North America has some of the highest numbers of these locales than most other countries. If you`re looking for a good massage or rub-down, then you will need to know the best cities to hit.

Types of Massage

Not all massage is equal. In fact, you are likely to have a wide array of choices, no matter where you are. Knowing what you want ahead of time will let you choose the right massage parlor.

Swedish massage is the most common style used in North America and is usually just referred to as massage therapy. It involves using lotion and long, smooth motions to relax the muscles. It may be used in combination with essential oils to create an aromatherapy massage. With aromatherapy, the type of essential oil used will determine the effect . . . peppermint, for example, boosts energy, while lavender soothes and promotes sleep.

Deep tissue massage is used to help very stressed or knotted muscles, particularly those deeper in the body. Friction and slow, deep strokes are the hallmark of this type of massage and while painful, it is also very useful in curing problems.

If you want something a bit more interesting and Eastern, Shiatsu and Thai massage will give you a taste of the Orient. Both of these massage types involve acupressure points to help relax the body. Thai massage also requires active participation from the person receiving the massage.

Other types of massage that may be available include erotic massage, hot stone treatment, and reflexology. And, if you are in a hurry, a shorter back massage is usually offered.

Canadian Massage Parlor Capitals

Toronto is one of the hot spots for Canadian massage parlors. Here you`ll find just about any type of massage you can imagine, with plenty of international influences. When looking for a massage parlor here, you will also want to check out "holistic centers" as more spas are using this term now.

If you prefer to be on the West Coast, Vancouver is good place to start searching for that perfect massage. It`s also a great tourism area, so take the time to travel over to Victoria (also a good massage parlor city) and see the sights.

Edmonton is the perfect place to book yourself a rub-down at a local massage parlor, if you are looking for something a little more central in Canada. This is also the home of the famous West Edmonton Mall, which is a great tourist attraction.

US Massage Parlor Capitals

New York is at the top of our list for massage parlor overload in the United States. You will find a good sampling of massage styles, including their fair share of erotic massages. In the City That Never Sleeps, you can find massage parlors open all night long.

Another good spot to check out for more modern techniques like hot rock therapy and aromatherapy massages is Los Angeles. The salty sea air is refreshing and the massage tables relaxing. Just stay away from the sleazier areas of downtown.

Surprisingly, Kansas City is also high on the list of best cities to find a massage parlor. While laws have recently tightened in this area, the legit businesses are still thriving and waiting for your business.

Massage parlors exist around the world, but within North America, you can certainly find some of the best ones and the widest variety of massage styles. This abundance of relaxation means tourists and locals alike can enjoy a good massage anywhere they travel.