Athlete's foot is a very common infection that affects mostly men and young people. Athlete's foot attacks the area between toes, soles of feet fingernails and toenails. This infection is cause by a fungus called tinea pedis it lives off the dead skin cells, and thrives in moist, warm places, such as gyms, locker rooms, showers and swimming pools, Athlete's foot is also very contagious and is transmitted by coming in contact with wet floors, or by touching infected shoes or socks.

Prepare a solution of water and white vinegar – one part of white vinegar to four part of water; soak your feet for 20 to 30 minutes twice day. Sprinkle some baking soda between your toe fingers and rinse your feet after fifteen minutes. It is as effective as an expensive antifungal powder. Rub tea tree oil between your toe fingers, it has antifungal properties. For immediate relief from itching or burning, soak your feet in an antiseptic mouthwash like Listerine. Corn starch is effective in soaking moisture, so keep your toe fingers dry by sprinkling some corn starch on them.

Shake this mixture well because the boric acid powder never fully dissolves. Pour it over your feet into an old bucket. It will stain furniture and clothing too so be careful. It wears off your skin in just a few days and it is worth it. Just a few treatments and your Athletes foot will be gone. Be sure to rub your feet with a file to exfoliate all the dead skin ---which way the treatment can get under the dead skin and kill off the fungus.

Make a solution of one part of vinegar and four parts of lukewarm water. Soak the infected foot in that solution for half an hour twice daily.

Soak your feet in a solution of household bleach (sodium hydrochloride) for 10minutes. This is reported to be one of the most effective home remedies for athletes foot.

Take some tea tree oil and rub it between your toe fingers. It serves as an excellent home remedy for Athletes Foot, owing to its ant fungal properties.

Half white vinegar and half water in a spray bottle. Spray your feet at night and after a shower. the theory is that fungus cannot grow in a acid PH. works it 3 days.(tea tree oil and lavender essential oils are also anti-fungal. these can be applied directly to the skin. (Note other essential oils need to be diluted!)

Alternatively, if you can stand it, plonk the foot straight into a bowl of the stuff for around 5 minutes. Corn Starch has it’s supporters as home remedies for athletes foot, as it appears to absorb moisture from any type of wetness, including sweat. Simply apply with a brush or pour directly into the shoes like a powder. Alcohol and aspirin are further home remedies for athletes foot. By dissolving around 5 aspirin in half a cup of rubbing alcohol and then rubbing over the feet immediately after showering or bathing, and the aspirin will soak into the skin due to the alcohol mixture. This will kill the fungus that causes the bad odor and dry up the athletes foot problem.