Aside from the abdomen, the thighs are the other parts of the body where excess fat usually accumulate. Although experts believe that women whose fat concentration are on the thighs are at a lower risk of developing heart problems compared to women whose excess fat are concentrated on the tummy, women still do not want to have thick thighs. Nothing can ruin a sexy dress and a mini skirt worse than big and lumpy thighs.
If you are planning to go to a big party in the next few weeks, there are some drastic measures you can do to make your thighs look slimmer and more attractive. You really do not have to ditch that little black dress, just follow the tips below to help you reduce fat on your thighs.
1. Get Psyched Up
The first thing you need to do is make yourself physically, emotionally and mentally ready to take on a strict diet and exercise regimen. Since you have a time frame in mind, you have to work extra hard. Also part of psyching up is laying out your slim-down plan. You need to have a goal plus a strategy on how to achieve that goal before the big day.
2. Start Cardio Exercises For An Hour Everyday
In order to have significant effect, you need to start your 60-minute aerobic exercise at least 14 days before your red-letter day or vacation. Since it is hard to exercise for an hour everyday, you many want to split it in two or four sessions. It really depends on what type of cardio activity you are planning. By the way, walking, swimming, jogging and other similar activities can all be considered as good cardio workouts.
3. Eat Healthier
If you eat healthier and stick to your diet, there is a big probability that you will not only shed some pounds on your thighs, but on the rest of your body as well. Just make sure that you increase your intake of vegetables, fruits, and fish. Also, try eating whole grains. Lastly, stay away from processed and fatty foods, as well as sugar-rich treats.
4. Start Drinking More Water
Water is vital in the elimination of toxins and fecal matter. Thus, it is important that you drink plenty of water. Moreover, people who are dehydrated are prone to water retention, which may make your thighs and legs look even more swollen. Lastly, if you drink water before you eat, you will feel satiated easily and your appetite will be suppressed.
5. Do Strength Training At Least Every Other Day
In order to make your thighs and legs slimmer, you need to pay attention to your strength-training program. If you do not have access to a gym, you can probably do lunges, donkey kicks, leg lifts and other exercises that are aimed at sculpting and toning leg and thigh muscles. Do not forget to perform your sculpting and toning moves at least every other day.
6. Dry Brush Your Skin
One of the problems that plague thick thighs is cellulite. To prevent or minimize the appearance of lumps and bumps in your legs and thighs, make sure that you regularly dry brush your skin. This simply means that you need to brush your skin without using water or soap.
7. Massage Your Thighs With Anti-Cellulite Lotion
Another way to help minimize, if not reduce the orange peel skin in your buns, thighs and legs, is to make use of anti-cellulite creams. Make sure that you massage such products on your affected skin everyday. One product that you might want to try is Cellutherm. For more details about this natural-based cellulite-busting cream, you can go to