Cardiovascular Disorders and Life Style

Cardiovascular Disorders and Life Style

Many complications that are the direct result of having diabetes. But sometimes there are illnesses that may not stem by diabetes, but instead was the result of other bad health problems. Such an example is when you develop complications of your heart and your circulatory system. However, because you have diabetes, you are more likely to suffer from heart and circulatory problems. The good news is that the risks can be significantly lowered by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and self-care.

Primary risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease (stroke, heart attacks, peripheral vascular disease, and arteriosclerosis) and those risk factors include smoking tobacco, obesity, high levels of fat and cholesterol within the blood, high blood pressure, a lack of exercise, and a history of heart and circulatory disease within the family.

Believed that having high levels of insulin circulating through a person's blood can also be a contributing factor when it comes to the development of cardiovascular disease. Those people that have type 2 diabetes typically went through years of raised blood insulin levels before being diagnosed.

It is not difficult to start and maintain a prevention program that will benefit your heart and circulatory system. In fact, a very thorough diabetic program of nutrition and exercise should already contain the necessary steps towards prevention. They are fundamental health tips that can be beneficial to anyone, whether you have diabetes or not. Below is a list of those health tips:

Reduce your sodium intake to less than 4000 mg per day if you have high blood pressure.

Start an aerobic conditioning program, such as walking or running, and participate in a more active lifestyle on a daily basis.

Become conscious of your body weight and strive to maintain a healthy balance of increased muscle mass and lower body fat levels.

Completely eliminate the life-threatening habit of smoking cigarettes. If you currently smoke, then stop. It's that simple.

Do not eat foods that contain high amounts of saturated fat and bad cholesterol.