Inspirational Words of Encouragement - Motivational and Inspirational Thoughts

Why do we need inspirational words of encouragement??

Life doesn't always work the way we wished it would. If we had it our way, it would be easier, more fair and definately more fun. There would be no pain, stress or suffering. We would be happy all the time. Unfortunately, that is not the way it works. We get stressed. Reality is a great teacher. You should take time to read inspirational words of encouragement everyday. They help you to stay focused.

Life is hard (in plain reality) Have you ever seen the bumper sticker "Life is hard, than you die" That is one of the greatest truths.

The problem with some is that they don't understand or wont accept the fact that life will always involve a certain amount of hardship. They grumble and complain. I always try to remember the motto when someone asks me how I am "I am better than some and worse than others" No matter how hard you think you have it, reality is, you probably have it alot easier than others. Complaining is an attempt to unload our problems on others, a way of refusing to accept them as a necessary part of life.

Life is hard. It's not always fair but that doesn't mean that it can't be good, rewarding and enjoyable.

With inspiration and laughter, it helps to look our troubles square in the eye and hold our head high. Our troubles cannot defeat us if we are strong.

Always remember, attitude is a choice and one of the most important ones we can ever make.

Reality is life isn't always fail.  It is a painful truth that we much learn and a hard one to accept.  Bad things happen to good people.  (It might be you, it might be someone else)  Sometimes it is hard to make sense of it all and we lose our ground

For more Inspirational Words of Encouragment, check out my blog at
