Wellness Solutions: A Closer Look At Why We Resist Them

In my previous article I lamented over the glazy-eyed response I often observe when sharing my weight loss success stories with people. Let's address what I believe to be some of the common sources of resistance:

(a)You must be selling something and I hate being sold.OK, this is one I can totally relate to. This is an old sales training concept and in my own experience it is 100% valid. People like buying things but very few want to feel like they are being sold something. My wife will tell you that I am probably a salespersons worst nightmare. I hate being sold. The only comment I can make is that nothing is more important than our health. When someone shares a wellness solution with you in a non-aggressive friendly way you might want to pay a little attention. We are all different and our bodies react to things differently but you might just learn something that could significantly improve your own well-being. If you don't want to purchase anything from them at least research it on your own time.

(b)You have been brainwashed by some evil wellness sect.Jokes aside, people are often sucked into groups and organizations and many individuals are wary of that. There is often a resistance to entities that are perceived to have their own agenda. Judge the message on its own merit. Seek out the weight loss solutions that are a good fit for you. Not everything is contrived.

(c)This is probably some MLM deal you are trying to drag me into.Multi-level marketing companies have grown a reputation over the years of being Ponzi style "Get Rich Quick" scams. This perception has been perpetuated by countless unscrupulous "fly-by-night" outfits that have come and gone in rapid succession. The truth, however, is that network marketing is a huge and legitimate industry. There are many companies that have been in existence for 30 years or more that sell quality products. Many are even publicly owned and traded on the NYSE. Their products have been scrutinized and challenged and have stood the test of time. Stick to the well known companies and judge the individual products, not the industry.

(d)That works for you but I could not stick to a rigid diet.Are you kidding me? This is a major cop- out. You would rather expose yourself to diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and feel constantly fatigued, than substitute one of your daily meals with a protein drink and some vitamins?

(e)Don't tell me I have to give up "..."Life is full of compromises. I sacrificed some of my favorite foods to help me lose weight but then a strange thing happened. The healthier I started to feel the more I started craving healthier foods. I still cater to my sweet tooth on occasions. The difference is that now it is a treat not an unhealthy everyday habit.

(f)My busy schedule is not conducive to a structured diet.Your busy schedule is probably conducive to stress, poor nutrition and premature cardiovascular disease. Seriously, with all the different methods available you can't find time to eat right? Find a way to get it done. A simple wellness plan will energize you and increase your productivity.

(g)My uncle drank like a fish, ate red meat 3 times a day, poured salt on everything and lived to be 105 years old.Point Taken. Science doesn't have all the answers and some people do beat the odds. The issue is whether or not you want to gamble on your life. The lottery is a poor man's 401K. I would think you would want to stack the odds in your favor.

(h)Times are tough. I can't afford it.You can't afford not to. There are a lot of reasonably priced options out there. Your new wellness program might even end up saving you money each month. You can pay a little now or end up paying a huge price in the future.

(i)Eating is my main form of entertainment. I love food too much.Find some new foods to love. There are a multitude of great tasting healthy choices to discover. Eating smart does not have to mean eating bland or boring food. Do some research and experiment.

Make the effort and jump in with both feet. Your efforts now will lead to a lifetime of rewards and optimal health.