Just a Walk: the Secret of Youth

Why is aging such a traumatic experience for some and exhilarating for others? In simple terms, it’s attitude. If we feel old, we are old...however, if we feel young...well, you get the picture.

Of course we can’t forget that there’s a physiological component to that picture. Aches, pains, creaks, strains, the body just doesn’t work as well as it once did. But it can work almost as well.

We all know the secret: eat well...get some moderate exercise – ie walk a little...smile alot...laugh when you can...enjoy others...and quit whining. Simple.

So why can’t we do it. I have a million reasons, most of which are lame and have been conjured from just plain laziness. Instead of going for a walk, I watch TV. When I do go for a walk, I feel great. Hmmm? Anyone else have this problem? I thought so.

So here’s my new plan: I’m going for a walk. Not a long walk...just a walk. Not to lose weight...just a walk. And when I get back, I think I’ll feel better. Maybe tomorrow I’ll go for another walk. And maybe if I’ve gone for enough walks, I’ll look better. And when I look better, I’ll bet that I’m a little exhilarated. And when I’m exhilarated, maybe I’ll eat well. And when I eat well, maybe I’ll feel a bit younger. And when I feel younger, aging isn’t such a big deal.

So, if you’re really feeling out of sorts and age seems to be creeping up just a bit too quickly, try going for a walk. Not a long walk. Just a walk.