Beauty Salon Interior Design Ideas and Advice

Salon Interior Design Tip #1: Consider Your Clientele

Is your salon strictly for “the girls” or do you cater to men’s grooming needs? Do you offer couples massage? Do you invite young teens to pamper themselves? Are you a family oriented salon? The most important element to interior design of your beauty salon or spa, is to know who you will be serving and keeping your design decisions consistent.

Salon Interior Design Tip #2: Consider the Layout

According to an article published by “Entrepreneur” Magazine, the average salon space usually range from 1,200 to 2,000 square feet, although some can be considerably smaller (fewer than 1,000 square feet).

You'll need four separate areas in your hair salon:

-        Reception and retail (20% floor space)

-        Shampoo and Drying  (10% floor space)

-        Cutting and service (50% floor space)

-        Storage, break room, and the employee/client restroom (20% floor space)

Salon Interior Design Tip #3:  Color Palette

Colors affect people’s moods and attitudes. Consider how you want your clients to feel when they are in your salon or spa. Your service line will influence what colors you use. If you offer spa services, consider calming colors to help your clients relax. If you are going for more of a fast paced salon, you may want to use energizing-warm tones.  Don’t be afraid to experiment with materials such as glass, metal, or stone to create a calming or energetic environment.

Salon Interior Design Tip #4:  Lighting

The way you choose to light your facility can lead to a tranquil or an edgy atmosphere. Again, consider the image you are trying to project to your clients. Low light settings include candlelight, lamps, and accent space with track lighting or small spotlights. This creates a tranquil atmosphere. High light settings incorporate natural daylight, large lighting fixtures such as chandeliers, and open space that allows light to sweep from room to room, or through deep spaces. Your best bet would be to incorporate the two lighting styles to create a unique atmosphere with ambient and direct light.

Salon Interior Design Tip #5: Quality Salon Equipment

Today, when you walk into a modern beauty salon, you will find a wide array of unique and comfortable chairs, manicure tables, and massage equipment. This is a sign of beauty salon that cares about it’s clients conform and satisfaction. Not only will quality salon equipment increase your clientele, but will also enable your stylist with all the tools they need to ensure they can create a unique atmosphere and safe work environment.

The salon environment is part of the package. People will judge your salon based on how it looks, the flow of operations, and the cleanliness of the facility. If you create an appealing environment for your clients and employees, you will have greater success than if you ignore or neglect these elements.