Nasal Sores

The Herpes Simplex Virus-I is responsible for the onset of cold sores. The cold sores can infect your lips, mouth or nose. This is because they love moist places. When you have a nasal sore, it can be quite painful and irritating. Blowing your nose becomes a nightmare and the pain just doesn't seem to end.

When the simplex virus enters your body, more often you got it from your relatives who kissed you when you were pretty young, it lays dormant in the cells round your face. The virus is usually triggered by either stress, menstruation, allergies to some food, sunlight, fatigue or weakened immune system. You will get a tingling, burning or itching sensation in your nostrils, then you should know that a nasal sore is on its way. A blister will then form and eventually the liquid inside will ooze off leaving a tender ulcer. This will then heal within 14 days.

You can use over the counter (OTC) creams to soothe the sore. This is preferably done at night when going to bed because you are not likely to blow your nose. Be sure to wash your hands after that so as not to infect other parts of the face/body with the virus. Avoid picking your nose as well to minimize the chances of transferring the infection and also to avoid secondary infections.

Nasal sores, just like the other types of herpes infections can be managed, because there is no cure. Know what triggers yours and keep clear of that. Eating a well balanced diet will guarantee you a healthy immune system that will fight the herpes virus.