You Have To Be Healthy First Before You Can Lose Weight

You Have To Be Healthy To Lose Weight

I'm sure you've heard over and over about how you need to lose weight so you can get healthy. You've probably been led to believe that losing weight will cure all of your health issues. This essay will cover principle 3 of the 7 Principles of Fat Burning. Here you will learn that you must get healthy first, THEN you'll be able to lose weight.

To get healthy you need to lose weight, you've heard over and over. You'll hear this because obesity is a health risk. It causes heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and stroke. Isn't this true? So many say fat is the direct cause of weight problems, well guess what?

It's actually not at all true.

It turns out that the fact is just the opposite of what we have been told over and over again. Before you can actually lose weight it is essential that you are healthy first. It is because you are unhealthy in some region of your body that you are unable to burn fat efficiently. All types of diseases are the result of having an unhealthy body. I don't know who started this all but somehow someone has made obesity the big bad primary cause or a disease. Getting fat is not the cause, but the effect of bad health.

So many of have certainly been the victims of weight gain. If you are experiencing stubborn weight problems this is because you have unhealthy hormones. You cannot be both fat and healthy - it just doesn't work. Let me make sure you heard me; you can NOT be healthy while you are fat.

Your body can not or will not release fat until it is at a certain level of health. An understanding of the purpose of fat will show you why your body wants to hold on to it so dearly.

Fat is simply a survival mechanism. Until the source of stress has been removed - the threat to survival - your body will not let go of the fat. As a result, the body will not allow fat to go away until it is healthy and doesn't feel it needs it.

Trying to lose weight with diet, exercise, cutting calories, etc. without first finding out the source of the problem is not the best way to approach weight loss. If you are focusing on the wrong goal (weight loss) losing weight is going to be much more difficult. The goal that you need to be going after is creating healthier glands and hormones. Weight loss will occur when your body gets healthier.

The single most important thing to keep in mind is that your current weight is a symptom of poor health, not the cause. If you can keep yourself aware of this, you'll be able to start treating the symptoms of weight gain and not the cause. You can then maintain a healthy body and the effects of weight will no longer be a problem.

Learn about the Body Type Diet if you'd like to regain your health and lose weight. But Remember: It's not "lose weight to be healthy", it's "get healthy to lose weight"