How to Get Rid of Black Eye

Try to control sneezing (like, don’t sniff ground black pepper) and don’t blow your nose for several days. In the event the bone around the eye has had some minor fracturing, expelling air forcefully from your nose will also force air out of sinuses near the socket, injecting it under your skin. Like most injections, this doesn’t feel good. Moreover, it may also cause additional swelling and increase the possibility of infection.

Keep these routines going with the cold compresses for the next day or two? Boring? Of course, but you should have thought of that before you got the black eye.

You could try wearing an eye patch or sporting dark glasses everywhere you go, but then you would have to explain the patch or the shades, especially when you’re wearing them to business meetings. White theatrical greasepaint applied liberally to the entire face might work to cover that shiner, but mimes are even less welcome in business meetings than pirates or people with sunshades.

Treat your skin while you sleep. There are overnight facial masques available that may help reduce the appearance of puffiness or discoloration, but you can also make your own. Just before you go to bed, take a washcloth and wet it just a bit with cold water. Then squeeze out any excess water and place it over your eyes as you sleep. Treating your skin may help, but the real problem may also be that you have a poor vitamin and mineral absorption problem that must also be corrected. Seeing a naturopathic physician may help for those people who suffer other ailments such as miscellaneous aches and pains that come and go and a general run down feeling.

Cold works in two ways. It helps keep the swelling down and, by constricting the blood vessels, helps decrease the internal bleeding, which is what causes the black-and-blue color.

To reduce the swelling, use ice packs. Also castor oil is good for that- gently rub it on your black eye. And another useful advice: put raw beef stakes on your black eye. This should also help.

Heat: Following the first one or two days it is okay to apply heat to the injury. Heat will help to relieve the pain caused by the injury however, too much heat is not recommended. A warm damp clean towel or a warm heating pad is recommended. This heat should be applied in the same manner as the ice and steak. For at least ten to twenty minutes each hour for one or two days.

Put a cold compress on it, use a zip lock bag and put ice in it, and put a wash cloth over the bag, it depends how hard u got hit, it may turn purple, then when it starts to heal, it iwlll lighten up to yellow. when you put make up on, try to use the concealed for dark circles under they eye, and use a pan cake make up and powder to set the make-up. I hope you feel better soon.

If you can keep it from your eyebrow, put some hydrogen peroxide on it and keep it there until you notice a difference. This lightens eyebrows. It's most important to do something right now, ice, peroxide, some cortizone cream, sage tea - take some tea you have and put right on it. Take some salt in water and leave on eye like a soak with paper towel.