Oily Skin Treatments That Work

Several treatments are done to get to get rid of oily skin but it has been seen, that oil skin problem resurfaces after some time. You will find several products and treatments available for oily skin but most of them will offer you temporary relief – they actually do not work in the long run. If you are looking for easy skin treatments that actually work here is a collection of such treatments, compiled for you.

  • You can make a facial scrub of almond meal, ground lemon rinds and little milk and rub this paste on your face gently. This will help you to get rid of too much oil in your skin.
  • Crab apple is also a good treatment for oily skin when you make a paste of it and apply it all over your neck and face. This is said to be a good source of alpha hydroxyl acids that helps to tone your skin, soften it and also moisturize the dull skin, helping it to glow.
  • Wheat germ oil treatment works wonderfully on oily skin. You need to massage the face with oil and then leave it for almost an hour, after which you can wash it with tepid water. It contains vitamin E which is said to be a very powerful anti-oxidant that prevents the skin from getting damaged by pollution and UV rays of the sun.
  • Sandalwood is famous for being a treatment for oily skin. You just need to add some drops of water to this powder and then apply this in the oily areas of the skin. Once it is dry, you can wash the paste. This is an excellent treatment to reduce fine lines and helps in reducing acne and pimples.
  • Many women have benefited with the application of sandalwood and cedar wood oil when it was gently massaged over neck and face areas. This unique combination acts as a skin conditioner and works well for oily skin and helps in reducing the development and spread of acne.
  • Milk is also a good treatment that helps your skin to remain fresh and reduces oil secretion. Milk prevents the clogging of pores which is responsible for too much oil accumulation in the surface of the skin.

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