How Can I Do a Detox Diet at Home and by Myself?

I was wondering, " how can I do a detox diet at home and by myself? " I am very well aware of the need to detoxify my system on a regular basis, but I wouldn't want to have it done in a clinic or a hospital setting. True, either one has the essential facilities, but I would prefer the procedure to be done in the privacy of my own home.

Reading through materials online, I came across the idea of detox diets, and that appealed to me in a big way. Going on a detox program meant that I could detoxify my own system right in my own home. What's more, I would be able to lose weight in the process, too.

Exactly, "how can I do a detox diet at home and by myself?" There are many numerous recipes that I found, and which involve things I already have in my pantry. Of course, I love the fact that I can do these myself.

Olive Oil Detox Diet

A particular favorite is the olive oil detox diet recipe. Olive oil has many health benefits, but one reason why it is being used in detoxification is its natural lubricating properties. Olive oil works by lubricating the digestive system, facilitating the faster removal of toxins from the body. There can be several versions on how to use olive oil in this case, but the one I use only requires two basic ingredients, olive oil and grape fruit juice. If you want to try this, you should not eat after four o'clock in the afternoon preceding the day you intend to start with the detox diet. Then very late at night, mix half a cup of olive oil with ¾ cup of grape fruit juice and drink it after 30 minutes. The morning after, do the sea-salt water flush. If you are not familiar with this, simply heat one quarter of water and add to it 2 spoonfuls of sea salt. Pour the mixture in a glass and drink very quickly, and massage your abdomen. Within 15 minutes, you should be feeling your tummy getting all rumbly, and you'll then be passing out stools. After drinking the sea-salt water mixture, make sure to down a glass of fiber-rich beverage.

3-Day Detox Diet

Another detox program that I found I could do at home is the 3-day detox diet program. The program begins by drinking eight full glasses of warm water. For breakfast, lunch, and dinner, a bowl of brown rice or whole grains is recommended along with three kinds of vegetables and fruits. For the next couple of days, you should drink two cups of chamomile tea, dandelion tea, or parsley tea. Drinking two glasses of carrot juice would also help a lot. One thing that should be remembered when going on this 3-day detox program is to drink lots of water. Water is so essential in the success of this program and should never be taken for granted.

It is pretty normal to experience hungry pangs during the program, that is why it would be advisable to keep vegetables and fruits handy. Baked potatoes are a good way to make you feel full so you don't have to crave for more. Bananas and apples also make better alternatives to sweets and chips.

Maybe you'll encounter others who will ask you "how can I do a detox diet at home and by myself", in which case you would already know how to answer that.

There are many ways you can do it. However, if what you are looking for is a full body detox with 1lb-5lbs weekly weight losses, a boosted metabolism, appetite suppression and a dramatic reduction in toxins, then what you need is the maqui berry detox . This amazing berry works to flush out toxins and poisons from your system, and it is 3x more powerful than acai berry!