The Truth About How to Make Aging Skin Tougher

Are you sick and tired of... knocking your hands and even your face resulting in great chunks of skin ripping off causing you to bleed freely? So, how to make aging skin tougher is becoming a big issue for many older people these days.

Well, unfortunately for me I have reached that age where this happens regularly, and it's very frustrating! Even if your fortunate and the skin doesn't tear, you still get a decent bruise and a big blood blister under the skin that can take weeks to go away.

The problem is a natural aging one caused by thinning softer less elastic skin, the capillaries get closer to the skin's surface and damage easier than before.

I have got to the point of wearing heavy thick long sleeved gloves whenever I do any activity where there is a risk of knocking the back of my hands or arms. I even walked into the branches of a tree recently, fortunately the hat I was wearing saved me from some bad damage, but I still got a few rips, scratches, bruising and bleeding to the skin on my face.

So, my message to people with aging skin is to take protective action so you don't damage your hands, arms and face in the first place.

The sensible thing you can do to help build your skins strength and toughness is use one of these new generation skin care creams that can stimulate your own skin to generate new collagen, elastin and keratin cells.

Recently, the release of new generation skin care creams onto the market makes it now possible to re-grow collagen and elastin in your skin. By using new nano technology techniques functional keratin contained in the substance Cynergy TK can penetrate deeply into your skin down to your collagen, elastin matrix level and produce more protein cells.

This results in a thickening of your collagen structure and more elasticity in your skin. Consequently, building these levels over time strengthens and toughens your skin. Therefore, when you next knock or bump your skin, the damage will not be as severe.

For seven weeks now I have been using one of these new style skin creams recently released onto the market by a New Zealand manufacturer. I still manage to occasionally knock the back of my hands especially. However, the damage sustained three days ago from a bump was less serious than I had done previously. The skin didn't rip or tear and the blood blister wasn't as big.

Before starting using this cream, I tested the recovery time from pinching up skin on the back of my hand... it was 40 seconds. Now 7 weeks later it's reduced to 24 seconds. My conclusion is that the skin is tighter, stronger less wrinkled and doesn't damage as easily and to the extent it did previously.

In conclusion, based on my results to date, I am of the opinion that how to make aging skin tougher, can be achieved to a significant level by using one of the new skin care creams. They can stimulate your own body to produce more collagen and elastin protein skin cells.

Visit my website, to see which new natural safe cutting edge collagen and elastin stimulation skin cream, I now chose to use daily to help my aging skin toughen up.