Let us clarify that most wrinkle treatments do work, are safe, and effective for reducing the strength of a facial crease, however, what they "cannot" do is remove wrinkles permanently. This should not have you feel like it is the end of the world, in fact, on cloud nine you should be because proof shows that wrinkle treatments really do work. Wrinkles are a part of our lives that we need to learn to accept. There is no avoiding what comes naturally. Wrinkles reflect growing age or unhealthy neglected skin.

Aside from ageing, wrinkles appear earlier if the skin is over exposed to the sun, in tanning salons, smoking or drinking excess amounts of alcohol. The skin is made up of three layers; the outermost layer visible to the eye, called the epidermis. The middle layer, called the dermis and the innermost layer, called the subcutaneous.

Young people are not prone to wrinkle worrying because their skin stretches holding in moisture. The dermis has an elastic quality due to fibers called elastin which gives skin the baby look. Protein in the dermis helps prevent wrinkles; nonetheless all good things come to end. When the dermis starts losing both collagen and elastin the skin thins hampering ample moisture reaching the epidermis. The fat in the subcutaneous layer that gives skin a plump appearance also dwindles away, the epidermis starts to sag, and wrinkles form. If your complexion is to be one of young, fresh and healthy then you need to treat it in a way for this to be accomplished. Crow`s feet can occur from squinting or spending too much time in the sun.

Some people have more sebum than others which in return has their skin show no sign of wrinkles for a long while. Start today as you mean to go on and look after your skin. This will save you time and money and have you feeling 100% in your achievement in maintaining healthy skin.

Avoid direct sunlight as over exposure is damaging to the skin and can cause skin cancer. The UV (Ultraviolet) rays are harshest (between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM). Smother the body all over in sun block and sun protection factor (SPF) 15 or higher. Reapply regular especially after swimming. Although an all over body tan when wearing white looks great and has you stand out, remember, a shroud is white too. Do not abuse the body; overdosing it with UV lighting from tanning booths is just as damaging as the sun's UV rays.

Aside from the major health issue related to smoking, (lung cancer) smoking robs the skin of vital moisture and causes premature wrinkles and more so round the mouth. Drinking water is a much healthier alternative if you want to wet your whistle. Moisturize dry skin, especially during months when the air is drier. There are several methods/treatments that helps keep development and appearance of wrinkles low. Knowing which type therapy to be the more ideal for your problem may just turn out to be a real problem. Aside from cosmetic surgery, and you have tried every option available but to no avail, then it cannot do you any harm to try some of Grannies old recipes to treat your wrinkles

Face packs, facial masks and scrubs containing herbs and other natural ingredients are by far the best products to use for improving skin disorders and detoxifying - which helps give natural oils and moisture back to the skin.

Never work with unfamiliar wrinkle treatments without consulting your GP. Regular facials are a fine way to control wrinkles because massage increases blood circulation. It further results in tightening of the muscles and tissues of the skin thus reducing plumpness and restoring a young looking complexion. Continual furrowing of the brows, squinting, or puckering the lips can over time encourage wrinkles or worsen the ones you already have. How can exercise help one may ask, well all you have to do is take a look at those who exercise regular and you have the answer. People in good shape seem to have healthier, more elastic skin than those who aren't. Overall body fitness and health is determined in the foods we eat "food for beauty" or "you are what you eat" just a couple of quotes to dwell upon.

Vitamins are most vital for maintaining youthful skin. B-complex vitamins (found in beef, chicken, eggs, whole wheat and enriched flour, and milk,) and vitamins A and C (found in fruit and leafy green vegetables.) Healthy eating should be your number 1 priority before relying on miracle creams to cure your wrinkles. Miracles are made in heaven. Do not over wash, it is not necessary and can cause skin dryness. Soap suds not thoroughly rinsed off the face will leave a film which exacerbates drying. The environment in which you live or work can upset the skin. Keep the air around you moist if possible.

1. Oily is just as common as dry. Help lessen oily skin by applying limejuice or cleansing milk.

2. Although the skin is tender/sensitive it craves massage to keep it in condition. Apply a quality cream and massage from neck upwards ending at the forehead.

3. Do not apply pressure around eyes, however don`t hold back from firming those fingertips on other face parts.

4. Dampen cotton wool and remove.

5. For rapid wrinkle removal - massage with both hands speedily and carefully in circular motion.

6. Fine lines are also a regular concern for men and women; consider rubbing the core of pineapple on the face for a few minutes and leaving on for 10-15 minutes.

7. Applying lemon juice to the face eases visibility of facial blemishes and age spots.

8. Turmeric powder with sugarcane juice mixed into paste helps prevent skin ageing.

9. Apply juice of green pineapples and apples onto the face daily. This is fabulous for fine wrinkles and cracked skin. If cracked skin shows like an open wound do not apply any formula without talking to your doctor first.

If those so called "miracle permanent" wrinkle removal treatments work - then why are there so many women with more money than sense still wearing facial wrinkles.? I rest my case.