Advantages of Owning a Personal Hyperbaric Chamber

We're all concerned about our health, feeling good and having lots of energy. Everyone knows that we must have oxygen in order to live. Now oxygen is being recognized as a "new" healing therapy and thus many families are opting for owning personal hyperbaric chambers for getting theirpersonal hyperbaric therapydone at the comfort of their homes.

According toOxygen Therapy: the First 150 Years, "Supplemental or 'extra' oxygen is one of the most widely used therapies for people admitted to the hospital." Going one step further,Hyperbaric Oxygenation, that can be obtained in apersonal hyperbaric chamber, is being used as a supplement to conventional treatments of all kinds of diseases and medical conditions: likepersonal hyperbaric chambersare used to healbreast cancer, asthma,cerebral palsy, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, headaches, multiple sclerosis, wound healing and stroke, just to name a few. People are usingpersonal hyperbaric chambersto help themselves heal faster from surgeries and injuries.

History of Hyperbaric Chambers and personal hyperbaric therapy –

Hyperbaric chambers orpersonal hyperbaric chambersand hyperbaric oxygen therapy have been in use for centuries, as early as 1662. However,hyperbaric oxygen therapyhas been used clinically since the mid 1800's. HBO was tested and developed by the U.S. Military after World War I. It has been used safely since the 1930's to help treat deep sea divers with decompression sickness. Clinical trials in the 1950's uncovered a number of beneficial mechanisms from exposure tohyperbaric oxygen chambers. These experiments were the forerunners of contemporary applications of HBO in the clinical setting.

"Hyper" means increased and "baric" relates to pressure.Hyperbaric oxygen therapy(HBOT), conducted inpersonal hyperbaric chamber, refers to intermittent treatment of the entire body with oxygen at greater than normal atmospheric pressures. As Dr. Cranton explains: "This increased pressure, combined with an increase in oxygen, dissolves oxygen in to the blood and in all body tissues and fluids at up to 20 times normal concentration-high enough to sustain life with no blood at all."

You've probably heard about Michael Jackson's use of a Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. I remember reading that he slept in apersonal hyperbaric chamber. Many athletics can't afford to be sidelined for very long in their sport and need to recover as quickly as possible from any injuries. Professional athletes, like Lance Armstrong, own theirpersonal Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamberand get back on their feet quicker than those who don't.

In Dr. Morton Walker's book Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy,he says:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is known to reverse the effects of strokes and head injuries. It has helped damaged tissues, fights infections and diseases. HBOT uses pressurized oxygen administered in special chambers; it has been used for years to treat divers with the bends. As time has gone on, doctors have discovered other applications for this remarkable treatment.

There are two different kinds ofpersonal hyperbaric chambers--a monoplace chamber with an acrylic shell that holds one person in a supine position. The other type of chamber used for personal hyperbaric therapy , is multiplace and can hold from 2-10 people. You can usually sit up in these big chambers.

Source – Inventors @about dot com.